全球城市竞争力研究 为您搜到的结果 约有1538项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.127秒)
    2016年1月4日下午,由中国城市百人论坛、光明日报理论部联合举办的“学习中央城市工作会议精神座谈会”在京召开。中国社会科学院副院长、党组成员、学部委员蔡昉出席论坛并致辞。  住房和城乡建设部副部长倪虹、中国城市科学会理事长仇保兴、光明日报副总编辑李春林等20多位中国城市百人论坛成员、相关领导和研究人员出席座谈会。会议由中国城市百人论坛秘书长倪鹏飞研究......
Joan TrullénThomas (Barcelona1955). PhD in Economics at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). TenureProfessor in the Department of Applied Economics, UAB since 1990. Director ofthe Barcelona Institute of Regional and Metropolitan Studies (IERMB) from april2009. He had been Director of the Department of Applied Economics, UAB,Director of the Gr......

《2008中国营商环境报告》简介世界银行集团成员之一国际金融公司(IFC)与中国社会科学院财政与贸易经济研究所在北京于2008年4月22日共同发布了第一份《2008中国营商环境报告》。该报告比较了在30座主要城市经营私有企业的便利程度。报告表明,中国各地方政府都在积极推进商业规制的改革,以为私营部门的发展提供更便利的营商环境。 《2008中国营商环境报告》指出,尽管各城市的......
Li Chuncheng, member of the Standing Committee of the Sichuan Provincial Committee of CPC, Secretary of Chengdu city, introduced their active efforts and exploration in the integration of rural and urban areas and in coordinated urbanization in his speech: first, encourage industries to gather in industrial parks, direct farmers to move into citie......
“2014 Globle City Forum” was held on 31th. Oct. 2014 at the conferencecenter in Shanghai Normal University. It was hosted by The Development ResearchCenter of  Shanghai MunicipalPeople’s Government and The World Bank , presented by Shanghai Normal University.Peter Karl Kresl(president of GUCP, Professor of Bucknell University,America)、and Leo v......
Family name:     LiFirst names:      ChaoDate of birth:     10.12.1983Nationality: ChinaCivil status:       MARRIEDEducation:   InstitutionDegree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:Hunan university,  China 2006Jinan   university, China 2012Bachelor, EconomicsPhD, Economics  Languageskills:  Indicate competence on ascale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 2 - basic) ......
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