全球城市竞争力研究 为您搜到的结果 约有1538项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.326秒)
 中国城市百人论坛之二:《中国城市群发展高层论坛》成果要报 科学选择与分级培育适应新常态发展的中国城市群  2014年12月20日,由中国地理学会、中国城市百人论坛和中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所主办、中国地理学会人文地理专业委员会、城市地理专业委员会等承办的《中国城市群发展高层论坛》在中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所学术报告厅隆重举行,来自中国科学院、中国社会......
深圳可能在未来衍生出新玩法:依托硬件产业链做移动互联网时代的创新生态“山寨引发的这种自由不仅成就了供应链,还满足了许多细分市场的需求” 文章概述:深圳在2013年成为全球第一大消费电子制造基地。2014年,深圳创业公司一加科技的一款手机在欧美大受赞誉;过去两年,数百名创客在深圳制造了自己的智能手环、机械手臂;英特尔、微软、高通等国际巨头纷纷拉拢深圳,谁都想在......
2015年2月11日晚,安徽广电新中心举行了“口子窖·我们的奋斗2014安徽年度经济人物”颁奖盛典。从2007年开始,安徽年度经济人物评选活动以其宏大的气度和宽广的视野,塑造了奋斗在江淮大地的经济精英群像,刷新了安徽经济在人们心中的形象,弘扬了安徽发展进步的高昂旋律。该活动已连续举办了八届,引起了社会各界的强烈反响,成为安徽广播电视台年度大型品牌活动之一。    颁奖......
Director Ni Pengfei led other 9 members from the research group of “Development Position and Overall Planning Strategy of Tongzhouwan New District of Nantong City” to take a field survey trip to Tianjin from October 29-30, 2013. Zhu Jiamu, Vice President of CASS, who was on another conference in Tianjin, also took part in some activities of this ......
 “Senior Talks on Hebei-Shanxi-Shaanxi Triangle Across-Regional Cooperation and Industrial Transfer” of the 2rd Session of China Specialty Products Fair was held in the evening of November 7th in Convention Center of Sanmenxia International Culture and Exhibition. “China Policy Forum” of CCTV-2 made a live recording of a program called “Cooper......
Li Yang,was born in September, 1951 in Huaiyuan of Anhui Province. He took his first job inNovember, 1968 and joined the Communist Party of China (CPC) in June, 1984. Heis now Academy Member of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Researcherand PhD. From November, 1968 to December, 1970 during the Great CulturalRevolution period, he was banis......
Ni pengfeiDate of Birth: 27, 3, 1964Place of Birth: Fuyang, Anhui Province, ChinaNationality: ChineseAddress: National Academyof Economic Strategy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences        No. 2 Yuetan Beixiaojie , Beijing, China        Post Code: 100836        Tel: 86-10-68063478       Fax:86-10-68027442Email:nipf@cass.org.cnPosition Title:PhD,Pr......
In this forum, Jiang Xiaojuan, deputy director of the research office, the State Council delivered a speech with “being people-oriented, coordinating rural and urban areas, and enhancing the healthy development of cities and towns” as the theme. Duan Yingbi, deputy director of Economic Committee, CPPCC, former deputy director of Central Financial......
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