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CASS (NAES) andUN–Habitat Jointly Release Global UrbanCompetitiveness Report 2017-2018The Global Development Pattern and Trendfrom the Perspective of CitiesThe Annual Report Focuses on Global RealEstate Market and CompetitivenessSignificant research found that the rise of the technology center city and the central city of China, breaking the previ......
 会议主题:记住乡愁——文化古镇与美丽乡村会议时间:2016年9月3日(星期六)上午9-12点会议地点:中国城市规划设计院主楼二层报告厅主持人:杨保军(中国城市规划设计研究院院长) 会议日程:9:00         主持人宣布会议开始,介绍来宾名单9:00-9:20     领导致辞9:20-9:40     王凯(中国城市规划设计研究院副院长、教授级高级规划师)工程院重大咨询课题:村镇规划建设与管......
 Name: ChinaUrban Forum & Urbanization of Men SeminarTime: Morning, August 31, 2014Venue: 1st Lecture Hall of the Chinese Academyof Social Sciences(No. 5 Jianguomennei Avenue, DongchengDistrict, Beijing)Hosted by  ChinaUrban Forum 100China Society of Urban EconomyCo-organized by  Centerfor City and Competitiveness, CASS     ......
100-People Forum on China Urban Studies
At the 18th CPC National Congress and the 3rd plenarysession of the 18th CPC Central Committee, the requirement to “strengthen thedevelopment of new-type think tanks with Chinese characteristics, and build asound decision-making advisory system” was made. The Party’s Secretary-generalXi Jinping stressed th......
Today, National Academy of Strategy and Economic CASS, Social Sciences Academic Press and Center for City and Competitiveness of CASS (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) jointly issue the Blue Book of Urban Competitiveness (2013) in Beijing. The Blue Bo...
Updated: 14.01.14 11:05:42www.eastmoney.com   December 18, 2013  17:06view hot news and stock on cellphone; font: large, medium, small; words
The Green Book of Housing Market co-hosted by National Academy of Strategy and Economic of CASS, Social Economic Information Daily of Xinhua News Agency (market zone), Center for......
Global Urban Competitiveness Report(2011-2012).pdf...
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