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[出版/发表]百年潮 2000年12期
[提要]旅美俄国学者亚历山大•瓦基莫维奇•潘佐夫教授现执教于美国俄亥俄州 Capital University,今年初,英国 Cur-zon 出版社推出了他的新作《布尔什维克与中国革命(1919~1927)》(以下简称《布》)。作者据美国史料和近几年新开放的俄罗斯档案,就1919年至19......
Based on an analysis of fragmentary documents in both Chinese and other languages, this article verifies precisely the beginning period of English study initiated by the Guangxu emperor that began on the 25th day of the tenth month of the Guangxu reign (November 26th )in 1891.Yan Yongjing, who had studied in the United States, was nominated as acan......
A Conversation in Writing on the Problem of “Fragmentation” in Modern Chinese Historical Studies (Part Two)
重建史学的宏大叙事                                            王学典、郭震旦(4)
Grand Narratives of Rebuilding Historiography           Wang Xuedian, Guo......
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