近代中国研究 为您搜到的结果 约有32834项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.208秒)
The May Fourth Movement, which took place during the Paris Peace Conference, and the protest movement opposing direct negotiations between China and Japan, which took place during the Washington Conference both arose over rights to and interests in Shandong. However, the first movement spread like wildfire, while the second was comparatively peacef......
Though the controversy over “problems and doctrines” did not last for a long time, it touched on some focal issues of the time, and reflected the unusually rich and active dynamics of Chinese intellectual circles before and after the May Fourth Movement, showing in particular the mixed factions and confused boundaries which important characterist......
Trying to understand Mao Zedong and the Red Army’s 1930 advance into Jiangxi and Hunan just within the framework of the Chinese Communist Party’s internal policy struggles has great limitations. This advance was an active seizure of an historical opportunity on the part of Mao Zedong and others, based on their long consideration of issues of surv......
During the period from 1929 to 1931, the Shanghai Bankers’ Association, not resigned to being reorganized under pressure into a trade union, allied itself with the Native Bankers’ Association and bankers’ associations in Beiping, Tianjin and Hankou and actively lobbied among various organizations and departments, demanding the national governmen......
Officials were promoted according to strict rules in the Qing Dynasty. It was quite uncommon for the emperor to directly appoint a low-rank  official, although an imperial decree was necessary in every appointment. Emperor Guangxu issued a decree after the Sino-Japanese War in 1894, and another three after the Jiaozhou Bay Incident(or Juye Incident......
[作者]罗尔纲,荣孟源,刘桂五,王会庵 等
[出版/发表]神州国光社 1952 年版
[提要][丛编项]中国近代史资料丛刊 太平天国文献史料,包括太平天国印书、诸王自述、太平天国文书、专著、自述、记事、文书、日记等方面的资料
[作者]耿云志 崔志海
[出版/发表]广东人民出版社 1994年12月第1版
[出版/发表]团结出版社,1994.12 2002,2003重印
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