近代中国研究 为您搜到的结果 约有32834项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.122秒)
The stoppage of the Silk Road which had a history of more than a thousand years was a major event in the history of China's tansportation with foreign countries. In addition to the changes of the international situation, the extensive use of cotton and its subsitution for silk were also the internal causes for the decline of the Silk Road. Fort......
Commemoration of the Centennial Anniversary of the 1911 Revolution    Li Tieying ()
The Formation of the Revolution: The Transition of the Last Ten Years of the Qing Dynasty (Part Two)                                                  Luo Zhitian ()
The US Government and the Anti-Opium Movement in the Late Qing Period     Cui Zhihai ()
In orde......
A Conversation in Writing on China and the Post-War International Order
        Wang Jianlang, Yang Kuisong, Jin Guangyao, Wang Chaoguang, Tao Wenzhao, Xu Lan, Zhao Zhihui, Wu Jingping, Chen Qianping, Zuo Shuangwen  ()
The Formation of the Revolution: The Transition during the Last Ten Years of the Q......
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