近代中国研究 为您搜到的结果 约有32834项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.128秒)
Managing the Barbarians in Time of CrisisIn 1858 China was in the midst of civil war with the Taiping rebels as well as embroiled with Britain and France in the Second Opium war. After defeating the Chinese and occupying Canton in Dec. 1857, the British and French naval forces proceeded northward to Tientsin in order to exert further pressure on th......

EVER SINCE the present hostilities in China between this country and Japan began the whole world has been impatiently waiting for an official statement from the Government of the latter country making clear its reasons for attacking China and what it expects to accomplish by so doing. 

The long awaited statement came when on September 5 Fore......

"Yang Tianhong: The Abdication of the Qing Emperor and the “Union of Five Races”—The Problem of “Legitimacy” in the Transfer of Sovereignty to the Republic of China   
In recent years, cross-pollination between legal studies and historiography has brought many new viewpoints to studies of the 1911 Revolution. One of t......

"Documents refute right-wing denials of war crimes, Chinese experts say.
Newly deciphered Japanese wartime archives offer fresh evidence of atrocities committed by Japanese troops during the invasion of China.
The Jilin Provincial Archives has released 89 files related to Japan's Kwantung Kempeitai (military police corps) and the then central ......

"On June 17, 2014, Dr. Xie Hongfei, Director of Civil Law Department of Law Institute, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, gave a lecture on “Law and History: Systematic Approach to Legal History and Historical Sociology of Law” at CASS Institute of Modern History.
    Based on his book “Law and History: Systematic Approach to Le......
"Chinese leaders took part in a grand gathering in Beijing on Monday to mark the 77th anniversary of beginning of the Chinese people's war of resistance against Japanese aggression. Chinese President Xi Jinping attended the ceremony at the Museum of the War of the Chinese People's Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.
    President Xi Jin......
The compilation of Chinese general history is an important part of Ku Chieh-kang's historical life. In the 1920s, Ku Chie-kang was devoted to the compilation of history textbooks. In the 1930s-1940s, he took efforts to the compilation of popular Chinese History and the Chinese General History. After 1950s, he gave up the compilation of Chinese gene......
Was Zhang Zhidong’s Letters Home a fabrication? This question was asked when the volume was first published. However, because only a very limited amount of specific analysis was conducted on the subject, the book has continued to circulate.The author of this article provides evidence that the book is a fabrication by pointing out its many loophole......

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