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[提要]章士钊与陈独秀是中国近代史上两位个性都很强的著名人物, 两人交往密切, 早年曾一起革命, 后因思想主张差异甚大而分道扬镰。
[出版/发表]维真学刊(加拿大) 2002年第3期
From the historical and legal perspective,this paper analyzes the claim of “preemption of ownerless land” concerning “Senkaku Islands” in Japanese governmental document in Meiji period .Japanese governmental documents shows Japan's claim of “Senkaku Islands” as ownerless land is lack of historical and legal b......
In the early days of the Chinese Communist Party, the social role of intellectuals was far from being an abstract and fixed concept. Rather, there was a protracted debate full of divergent views and opposing ideas. Questions such as whether intellectuals were the vanguard of social change or revolution in China, and whether they formed a “jieji” ......
In the later academic history of the New Culture school, old scholars were not just of a previous generation: they had no achievements, and were virtually invisible. However, despite the decline of academic studies in the late Qing dynasty, there were still masters of old learning who influenced the May Fourth and the post May Fourth intellectuals ......
[提要]<正> 中國近代史分期間題現在所討論的是旧民主主义革命时期,根据什么标准來分期和如何分期的問題。胡繩同志的“中國近代歷史的分期問題”(“歷史研究”1954年第1期)一文,是討論这个問题的最先發表的文章。至現在为止,我还看到了孙守
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