近代中国研究 为您搜到的结果 约有32834项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.019秒)
1.The Evolution of the Department
In 1953, The History of the Imperialist Invasion of China project group was established at the Institute of Modern History, Chinese Academy of Sciences, with Shao Xunzhen, Ding Minnan, Yu Shengwu and Zhang Zhenkun among its members. The first group leader was Shao Xunzheng. The first volume of The History of the Im......
The study of Chinese revolutionary history has been one of the key tasks of the Institute of Modern History Studies ever since it was established. In the period after the Institute was established in May 1950, the study of Chinese revolutionary history was listed as its core task and it had many well-known achievements in the field. In 1977, the In......
“the conference about the activism and conservatism in modern history” undertaken by the Thought History Department of the Institute of Modern history was held in the Institute of Modern history. More than 70 scholars from Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, etc. gathered together to expressed their opinions....
In 1887, the Korean government decided to send envoys to the US and European countries to show its independence and autonomy to the international community. Having failed to stop Korea from doing this, the Qing made three rules for these Korean envoys, in the hope of maintaining its suzerainty. Despite ostensible compliance on the part of the Korea......
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