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[出版/发表]华夏出版社 1993年09月第1版
[提要]中国二十世纪思想文库·新论语 。 本书选出最能代表胡适思想特点的言论约20万字,分为文学、史学、教育、思想、民族、个性等10几个方面。
The Anglo-Japanese Alliance
The initial alliance had been concluded in 1902 and was to run for five years and be renewable. It was directed against the presumed menace posed to each power by Russia. Accordingly, it was renewed in 1905 to account for the changed conditions consequent upon Japan’s war with and defeat of Russia which had erupted in 1......


Need of Educational Facilities 

It is somewhat surprising to find how long it took the residents of the Settlements to make plans for the education of their children. 

The Missions had developed schools for Chinese boys and girls and laid the foundation of what afterwards became important and influential institutions, lo......
Trade in Shanghai 
After the failure of the wild speculation in property and buildings connected with the increase of Chinese population during the Taiping Rebellion, the business of Shanghai developed on a sounder basis, and we find from statistics that commerce made satisfactory progress. 
In 18......
The Trans-locality of Local Cultures in Modern China: Cantonese Opera, Music, and Songs in Shanghai, 1920s-1930s                                  
                                                                                                             Cheng Meibao ()
After Shanghai became a treaty port in 1843, a considerable number of Guangd......
Through an assessment of a large number of legal cases involving adoptions of an heir, the author finds that magistrates cleverly wielded their administrative authority to intercede in the adjudication of legal cases in Qing period. They possessed full freedom of jurisdiction on cases and could provide judicial remedies according to individual circ......
[出版/发表]《领导者》(香港)2005年8月 总第5期
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