拉丁美洲研究所 为您搜到的结果 约有55720项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时1.101秒)
 BEIJING, 12 mar (Xinhua) -- Las relaciones entre China y Chile no se alterarán debido al cambio de régimen, sino que se mantendrán estables y mutuamente beneficiosas durante la segunda presidencia de Michelle Bachelet, opinó Xu Shicheng, investigador del Instituto de América Latina de la Academia China de Ciencias Sociales.  &n......
     El día 5 de junio del año 2008, se celebró el Acto Conmemorativo del Centenario del Natalicio del Doctor Salvador Allende en la Asociación de Amistad del Pueblo Chino al Extranjero. Asistieron a la conferencia y dieron palabras la Sra. Isabel Allende, hija del Doc. Allende, el Sr. Fernando Reyes Matta, Embajador d......
(Organismo Para La Proscripcion De Las Armas Nucleares En La America Latina Y El Caribe - OPANAL) 【成立经过】 1962年10月“古巴导弹危机”后,巴西、玻利维亚、厄瓜多尔和智利向第十七届联大提出关于建立拉美无核区的提案。1963年4月29日,上述四国元首以及墨西哥总统在各自首都发表声明,要求拉美国家缔结多边协定,使拉美尽快成为无核区。同年,第十八届联大......
      The 4th Youth Forum on Latin American Studies, which was co-organized by China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR), Chinese Association for Latin American Studies (CALAS) and Chinese Association for Latin American History Studies, was held in Beijing on July 11th, 2008.  The forum concentra......
  On July 4, 2006, the Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS) held a seminar celebrating its 45th anniversary. Present at it were ninety scholars, government officials and reporters. Mr. Li Shenming, Deputy Secretary General of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, sent a congratulatory letter, paying high tribute to ILAS fruitful rese......
  Professor and the chief of the Division of Society and Culture, Institute of Latin American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). She has been working in the institute since 1986. Liu Jixin got her bachelor’s degree in the Second Campus, Renmin University of China  in 1983, and master’s degree in Renmin University of Chi......
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