中国社会科学院财经战略研究院 为您搜到的结果 约有10244项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.216秒)

White House officials and Republican leaders in the House of Representatives  huddled with members of their parties in Congress, testing their willingness to  make the final compromises needed for a fiscal cliff deal in the coming days.

John Boehner, Republican speaker, held two meetings with rank-and-file  conservatives on Tuesday in an ......
Abstract: In order to analyze whether the investment on service industry is efficient under the background of sustainable growth of the service industry output share of GDP and the total amount of investment in service industry. This paper uses historical data from 1985 to 2011 to construct a series of indicators, including the service industry inv......

July's industrial output growth was close to the monthly record of 9.9 percent in January and February.
Economists attributed the industrial rebound to the government's determination to meet this year's GDP growth target of 7.5 percent and the recovery in global demand for Chinese products.
Of 41 industries, 39 reported accelerated year-on-yea......

    碰撞 平台金融争夺......
China's economy grew at slower pace in the first half of this year and with it--industrial growth also weakened.

Time: 2013-08-14...
Abstract: With over 20 years development of China’s capital market, its external environment and internal structure has undergone great changes. Although China’s economy has achieved good recovery and growth after the financial crisis, China’s capital market, which is considered as a barometer of the China’s economy, has revealed a departure fr......
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