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主持人  高培勇  中国社会科学院财经院院长、学部委员
  第一单元 9:00~9:25  嘉宾致辞
  9:05~9:15    王保安   财政部副部长
  9:15~9:25    黄浩涛   中国社会科学院党组成员、秘书长
  第二单元9:25~10:00  主题报告一
  9:25~9:50    杨志勇   中国社会科学院财经院
9:30--9:35 主持人倪鹏飞研究员介绍到会媒体
  邹林华  中国社会科学院财经战略研究院  
  杨  慧  中国社会科学院财经战略研究院
  高广春  中国社会科学院财经战略研究院  
  姜雪梅  中国社会科学院财经战略研究院  
  张慧芳  中国社会科学院城市与竞争力研究中心
  李  超  中国社会科学院财经战略研究院  
The fifth Sino-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue is being held in Washington.
During the two-day dialogue, both sides will hold a series of talks on wide ranging topics including political security, the economic and financial sectors.
Experts say both sides should further strengthen their macro-economic policy coordination in order to promote glob......

Such efforts will finally bring tangible benefits to the people of both countries, they said.
According to a statement issued by the Foreign Ministry after the Strategic and Economic Dialogue talks ended in Washington on Thursday, the two sides agreed to begin "substantive negotiations" on a bilateral investment treaty.
The statement said the US......
As Chinese steel firms step up their efforts to explore resources abroad, there have been ups and downs in their gains because of inexperienced risk management, reports Du Juan in Perth, Australia
Facing increasing domestic demand for iron ore with high import prices in recent years, Chinese steel companies have been trying to find an effective inv......

Source:  China Daily
Time: 2013-07-18...
Lack of innovation and scientific structure still issues of concern 
China's western region has become a growth engine for the country's slowing economy, but experts warn it has an unscientific industrial structure and a shortage of innovation. 
In 2012, the region's gross domestic product increased by 12.48 percent year-on-year, much faster than i......

Move part of effort to rein in public spending 
Central authorities on Tuesday introduced a five-year ban on the construction of new government buildings as part of a national frugality campaign. 
The General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council jointly issued a directive that calls f......
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