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According to statistics released by China's General Administration of Customs (GACC) last Thursday, China's export leading indicator, which had already seen a 0.4 increase from February to March, stands at 41.9 in April, up by 0.2 from the previous month, indicating a clearer upward trend for China's foreign exports in the coming period.The import ......
Chinese Defense Minister Chang Wanquan met with Pathick de Rousiers, Chairman of the European Union Military Committee in Beijing on Saturday.Security relations between China and Europe have been flourishing in recent years, said Chang, pointing out sound cooperation in the areas of security dialogue, personnel training, and international peacekeep......
Abstract:The European debt crisis ,whose influences and impacts have spilled over to the political realm, has brought about a number of changes in the following aspects. Firstly, changes have taken place in the geo-politics of the EU, with a new power shift among the member states, which may lead to a disruption of the existing balance of power in......
(ECNS) -- Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and his counterpart Aleksandar Vucic attended the opening ceremony of a Chinese-built bridge crossing the river Danube in the Serbian capital Belgrade on Thursday.With a total investment of 170 million euros, the Zemun-Borča Bridge is the first such structure in Europe built by a Chinese firm.The bridge eff......
    问:首先,能否介绍一下您工作单位的有关情况。    答:我是拉蒙·柳利大学工商管理学院(ESADE)的顾问和教授,同时是该院全球经济和地缘政治中心(ESADEgeo)的研究人员(参见:http2://www.esadegeo.com/team)。    ESADEgeo的总裁是哈维尔·索拉纳教授。众所周知,索拉纳教授是前欧盟共同外交与安全政策高级代表和前北约......
The Chinese Mission to the European Union (EU) on Wednesday expressed "strong dissatisfaction" after the bloc criticized the life sentence given to a Uygur teacher for separatism.China is "strongly dissatisfied" with the EU's statement on that case and "resolutely opposed any interference in China's judicial sovereignty and independence," the missi......
On May 29, 2012, Philippe Vialatte, Head of Science, Technology and Environment Section from the EU Delegation to Beijing visited the Institute of European Studies (IES), CASS, and presented a lecture to its researchers on EU’s innovation policies. Vialatte said that innovation is a cornerstone of Europe’s 2020 strategy.In order to implement......
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