欧洲研究所 为您搜到的结果 约有17642项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.323秒)
    问:欧洲政策中心是一个很有影响力的智库,请详细向我们介绍一下它的相关情况。中心是如何组织和管理研究工作的?    答:欧洲政策中心不仅有影响力,而且它还具有很大的独立性。我们之所以信誉卓著主要是因为,我们不与任何政党、政府机构、企业或非政府组织联系在一起。欧洲政策中心还是一个开放的组织,相关利益团体都可以成为我们的会员......
During June 9-10, 2010, IES organized the 29th CASS Forum on International Studies in Huairou, Beijing. The theme of the forum was the Lisbon Treaty and the future of Europe.  The forty participants came from the academic institutions and universities based in Beijing. Scholars agreed that, as a milestone in the long process of European integr......
 BEIJING, Dec. 8 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Defense Minister Chang Wanquan met with Chief of Staff of the Portuguese Air Force Jose Pinheiro on Monday.Chang commented on the development of exchanges and cooperation between the two armed forces in recent years, saying that China is ready to work with Portugal to strengthen strategic mutual trust, and ......
China cooperates with Russia and Europe in its manned space program, with future plans for possible coordinated space module dockings, the country's first astronaut said Wednesday.Yang Liwei, deputy chief of China's Manned Space Agency, said at a press conference at the annual meeting of the Association of Space Exploration (ASE) that China has hos......
    简介    自20世纪六七十年代起,大量拥有诸多有利要素的传统工业地区陆续陷入发展困境而不能自拔,从经济发动机沦为被标以“老工业区”的问题地区,这也导致老工业区转型迅速成为一个全球化现象。老工业区转型既有成功案例,也有失败典型,本文所聚焦的德国鲁尔区则二者兼具。本文重点依据法国调节学派的危机理论和路径依赖理论,分析作为传......
BEIJING, Oct. 24 (Xinhua) -- Senior Communist Party of China (CPC) official Zhao Leji met with a delegation from Italy's Democratic Party (PD) to discuss bilateral ties on Friday.Hailing good development of China-Italy comprehensive strategic partnership and significant results of bilateral pragmatic cooperation, Zhao said that the CPC attaches imp......
PARIS, Oct. 22 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping and his French counterpart Francois Hollande have written a preface for an ongoing Chinese cultural relics exhibition in France, part of the two countries' celebration of the 50th anniversary of bilateral relations."The Splendor of the Han Dynasty, the Rise of the Celestial Empire," co-hosted ......
International investors are showing greater interest in Chinese capital market, despite a slower growth of its economy, said Alexander Justham, chief executive officer (CEO) of the London Stock Exchange (LSE), in an interview with Xinhua.Chinese economic development has entered the so-called "new normal" and shown a slowdown in growth, but its fund......
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