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Chinese Premier Li Keqiang will visit Germany, Russia, Italy and the UN Food and Agricultural Organization(FAO) headquarters from Oct. 9 to 15 and attend the 10th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) summit in Milan from Oct. 16 to 17.The trip, also Li's second European tour this year, will see a series of results of pragmatic cooperation and innovation.Obse......
European aerospace giant Airbus on Thursday expected faster growth in aircraft market on booming Asian demand, mainly in China set to top aviation markets.In its Global Market Forecast, Airbus forecast passenger traffic to increase by 4.7 percent per year between 2014 and 2033 "driving a need for around 31,400 new passenger and freighter aircraft w......

Cao Hui 
Assistant Professor
Division Position held
EU Politics 
Experience keywords:
European Union climate change, energy and foreign policy analysis
English [Spoken:Fluent, Written: Intermediate];
Contact Points
CASS phone number:LSE email:
+68 (0)10 8519 5739zhangs@cass.org.cn
CAO Hui, “Coordination an......
Jianguomennei Dajie 5, Beijing 100732 
Tel (86-10)6472-0587, Fax (86-10)6512-5818 
Email: zhang.jun@cass.org.cn 
       Ph. D in European Politics, Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, July 2005 
       Exchange Student under the framework of E......
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang held Wednesday a flurry of meetings with Central and Eastern European (CEE) nations' leaders, particularly highlighting interests in infrastructure cooperation.[Special coverage]The meetings were held a day after the third leaders' meeting of China-CEE countries in Belgrade.When meeting his Hungarian counterpart, Viktor O......
Wanda Hotels & Resorts Co Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Dalian Wanda Group Corp Ltd, announced that it will build new hotels in 100 Chinese tourism destinations by 2015 to become the world's largest five-star hotel owner.By the end of 2018, the company plans to own more than 150 luxury hotels in China, Europe, US and Australia.Wanda Hotels ......
China is gaining in importance in the international spirit, beer and wine market, Dagong Europe, the Milan-based European branch of Chinese rating agency Dagong Global, said in a new report published Wednesday.According to the report, Europe is challenged by subdued macroeconomic environment and declining alcohol consumption, with its leadership as......
Innovation helps firms keep pace with changing market trendsPeter Williamson believes the Chinese are emerging at the cutting edge of global management practices.One of the world's leading management experts, he argues managers in China are now taking a lead in the way the Japanese did in the 1980s with their ideas of "Just in Time" and "Total Qual......
    网易财经:各位网友好,欢迎继续回到网易财经2011G20嘎纳峰会特别节目的现场,首先我们来回顾一下网易财经前方特派编辑发回的信息。     国家主席胡锦涛在当地时间2号晚上会见法国总统萨科齐时表示,欧洲是世界第一大经济体,没有欧洲经济复苏就没有全球经济复苏,没有欧洲经济发展,世界经济就会受到影响。他同时表示,解决欧洲债务问题,主......
Beijing promotes itself as a tourist destination in a tourism campaign launched in Frankfurt, Germany on April 21. The promotion campaign highlights, among other attractions, capital city's museums and Chinese medicine as part of the campaign. German travel agencies showed close interest in Beijing's special tourism products, and some even expresse......
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