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Acting president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia Milivoje Miletic said Serbia attempts to boost economic cooperation with China in the future by attracting direct investments, offering private-public partnerships as well as providing a chance for Chinese companies to participate in the process of privatization.In an interview with......
Abstract:The Chinese interpretations of the Lisbon strategy fall mainly into two different aspects: one focuses on the more or less neo-liberal orientation of the Lisbon Strategy, the other tries to assess the implications of this orientation toward the norms of national social welfare states. This article focuses on one of the main functions deplo......
BRATISLAVA, Dec. 8 (Xinhua) -- Chinese and Slovak leaders on Monday pledged to deepen cooperation in economy and trade, and to strengthen relations between the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Slovak political parties.Wang Jiarui, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, made the pledge wh......
    中国人民大学欧洲问题研究中心(简称CESRUC)成立于1994年,于2000年被确定为教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地。该中心是中国-欧盟高等教育合作项目在中国资助的六个欧洲问题研究中心之一,是中欧高教合作项目管理办公室所在地。2008年该中心牵头与五个欧洲研究机构合作申请的让?莫内多边合作项目获得欧盟委员会的正式批准。     中国人民大......
In April 2009, the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS) and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung’s Office for International Cooperation (FES) in Shanghai organized an international conference on “China, the EU and Latin America: Current Issues and Future Cooperation” in Shanghai. In May 2011, a collection of the 15 papers from the meetin......
The European Union on April 4 decided to set up a peacekeeping troupe of 600 to 1,500 people to provide assistance for humanitarian rescue in Libya at any time, upon the request of the United Nations Organization for the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance. It is the fourth peacekeeping army the EU established in ten years under the framework o......
Xi's visit will enhance mutual understanding and respect and promote settling disputes and expanding common ground in global issues
President Xi Jinping begins his visit to four European Union countries on Saturday, a major diplomatic action by China's new leadership to promote relations with its strategic partner.
The EU has the world's highest co......
2012年12月2日▲德国总理默克尔表示,如果希腊实行经济结构改革进展顺利,在将来能实现其财政收支平衡并确保不再新增债务,德国不排除考虑及评估在目前希腊救助计划于2014年初见成效后减持希腊所欠公共部门债务的可能性。▲成千上万的匈牙利人聚集在匈牙利国会大厦前广场,参加反纳粹主义示威集会。 2012年12月3日▲欧元集团主席容克在布鲁塞尔说,欧洲稳定机制理事会已经......
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