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Company should focus more on brand building in overseas marketsPlanning permission has now been granted for one of London's most ambitious and audacious construction projects, the One Nine Elms plan financed to the tune of 400 million pounds ($625.6 million) by the ever acquisitive Dalian Wanda Group.This development, the first to be built by Dalia......
British banks HSBC Holdings Plc and Standard Chartered Plc are tipped to become the first two foreign banks to set up a presence in Shanghai's planned free trade zone, the first of its kind in China, sources said.The two are likely to experiment with a wide range of yuan businesses in the FTZ's less-restrictive business environment, they added."We ......
BRUSSELS -- The European Commission announced on Wednesday it would continue anti-subsidy investigation on solar panels from China, without taking provisional measures such as imposing punitive duties in June."The investigation will continue without provisional measures and the Commission will continue working actively on the case in order to arriv......
LANZHOU, July 27 (Xinhua) -- An animation based on Buddhist stories from northwest China's Gansu Province is set to be broadcast on TV, illustrating how emerging creative industries are tapping into ancient Chinese culture."Legend of Dunhuang" is a 12-episode animated series that will come to as-yet unconfirmed channels before the end of 2013. It i......
    【内要提要】 2012年1月起,欧盟将碳排放交易体系的适用范围扩大到全球航空领域,标志着欧盟抢夺低碳经济领域规制权已从法规层面转向政策行动;欧盟碳排放指令的适用范围强制性地从欧盟区内拓展到世界各国,违背了《京都议定书》中“共同而有区别的责任原则”,欧盟要求发达国家和发展中国家同等程度地承担温室气体减排义务;就目前而言,欧盟单方面强制征收......
    【内容提要】2008年以来,受欧盟国家金融危机和经济危机的双重影响,国际碳价持续低迷,已经引起欧盟有关方面的密切关注。国际碳价的下跌使欧盟用于执行气候变化政策的投资资金大幅缩水,同时也削弱了欧盟企业参加节能减排技术开发的积极性,甚至可能导致部分企业回归传统化石能源。   《创新工程简报》2012年第9期    国际碳价持......
The fourth China-Eurasia Expo, which concluded Saturday in Urumqi, saw more than 6 billion US dollars worth of foreign trade contracts signed with Chinese companies.The figure was a 7 percent year-on-year increase compared with that in last year, said the expo organizer.Hosted in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the expo attracted more than 1,300 ......
    2014年10月14日至17日,李克强总理正式访问意大利。访问期间,李克强总理会见了意大利总统纳波利纳诺、总理伦齐、参众两院议长以及中意企业界人士。两国政府发表了联合声明,并见证双方企业签署了价值约80亿欧元的经济合作协议。在访意期间,李克强总理还访问了联合国粮农组织总部,发表了重要演讲,另外还出席了在米兰举行的第十届亚欧首脑会议。 &nb......
    欧元震荡下跌,意大利主权信用评级再降。2月26日“三足鼎立”的大选结果将意大利推向舆论焦点,而目前仍未平息的政治困局,令复苏乏力的意大利经济雪上加霜。    87岁的意大利总统乔治·纳波利塔诺一改往日的温和做派,对举行新一轮大选不感兴趣的他,即使是在出席庆典活动时也不忘呼吁迅速组建政府,以解决国家所面临的问题。眼前的政治僵局......
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