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 BEIJING, Dec. 2 (Xinhua) -- China congratulated former Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk for starting his five-year mandate as European Council President on Monday, pledging to further intensify partnerships.China is willing to work with Europe to continue to cement their partnership for peace, growth, reform and civilization and fully implem......
For the first time disability was included in the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) agenda, as common work on this issue was at the center of a meeting held in Milan on Saturday on the sidelines of the high-level dialogues among leaders from the two continents. [Special coverage]China Disabled Persons' Federation (CDPF) together with the World Health Orga......
Better China-Italy ties coulf offer better opportunities for expanding China-Europe cooperation, Chinese Ambassador to Italy Li Ruiyu told Xinhua in a recent interview.[Special coverage]The China-Italy relationship has been taking a front seat in the overall China-Europe ties, said Li.Italy, as the European Union (EU)'s current rotating chair, is e......
An association linking Chinese universities with those in Central and Eastern Europe was established in Tianjin on Monday to extend cooperation.The association consists of universities from 10 European countries together with 16 Chinese universities and will serve as a platform for communication and cooperation.According to an announcement signed b......
Domestic rating agency Dagong Global Credit Rating officially started conducting business in Europe Thursday, becoming the first Asian rating company to do so and posing a challenge to US firms' domination of the European market.Dagong Europe won approval on June 6 from the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) to run a credit ratings bu......
E-commerce firm fields questions from hundreds of institutions ahead of record offeringE-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd began a 10-day global roadshow on Monday for what is expected to be a record initial public offering on the New York Stock Exchange, but some of those who were among an overflow crowd of institutional investors said they......
Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang has suggested a broad-strokes roadmap for building the Silk Road economic belt during an ongoing expo in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.In his keynote speech delivered at the fourth China-Eurasia Expo on Monday, Wang said China and countries along the belt should make joint efforts in streamlining ......
It's been a while since any member of the British royal family visited China. The last time was in 1997, when the Prince of Wales, heir apparent to the throne, oversaw the handover of Hong Kong by the UK to China. Before that, the Queen and her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, visited China in 1986.
Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, hit the hea......
BEIJING, February 12 (People's Daily Online) On the occasion of the Chinese Spring Festival, EU Ambassador H.E Mr. Hans-Dietmar Schweisgut extends wishes to the Chinese people as follows: 人民网北京2月12日电(黄瑾)- 欧盟驻华大使史伟值此新春佳节之际,通过人民网向中国人民拜年,并祝愿中欧合作更上一个台阶: It's a great pleasant privilege for me to b......
The European Central Bank decided on Jan. 22, 2015 to start a large scale quantitative easing program. From March this year, the ECB and national central banks in the euro zone will purchase 60 billion euros worth of bonds and securities from euro zone governments, agencies and European institutions each month. The program will last at least until ......
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