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A storied history, destinations as diverse as soaring mountains and sun-drenched beaches, and easier visa applications have made the Balkans an emerging attraction to Chinese tourists. [Special coverage]Sitting in southeast Europe, the Balkan Peninsula is adjacent to the Alps and the Carpathian mountains, and is surrounded by the Adriatic, Mediterr......
Madrid was the final destination on Tuesday for a train which has set the record for the longest train journey in history; 13,052 kilometers between the Chinese city of Yiwu and the Spanish capital.The train which arrived in Madrid at 11a.m. local time (1000GMT), departed from Yiwu on November 18th with 40 wagons, carrying 1,400 tons of cargo, cons......
Passenger aircraft sales will take off and pull even with US, executive saysThe Chinese market will continue to grow for another 20 years in terms of commercial aircraft demand, pulling even with the United States as the leading markets in the world for Airbus Group NV, according to Chief Executive Officer Thomas Enders.Enders, who has been running......
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said on Tuesday that China should make further efforts to develop "a partnership of common growth and inclusive development" with Britain.[Special coverage]After meeting with British Prime Minister David Cameron, Li told a press conference that as both are permanent members of the United NationsSecurity Council and major ......
  随着所剩时间不断减少,持续数月的希腊债务减计谈判能否在近期画上“实心句点”,已成为各界关注的焦 点。1月12日代表私人债权人的国际金融协会主席查尔斯·达拉拉警告说,与希腊政府在债务减计谈判中的“一 些关键性问题”仍未解决,会谈将继续,但剩余时间已然不多。同日希腊财政部一位消息人士称,希腊可能会在下 周末前与私人投资者达成协议,正式的提议可能会在2月初公......
    “从目前来看,欧元区同意向IMF注资,可能仅仅只是欧洲打算通过IMF加固欧债‘防火墙’ 的第一步。”未来还存在着一些不确定性因素,首先,除了英国之外,欧盟许多国家在同意向IMF注资的大前提之下还有各自的“小九九”。其次,因为欧元区对 IMF的注资并非专门针对欧洲,所以其注资必然也需要IMF其他成员国的参与,否则可能引发IMF各成员国地位的变化。......
COPENHAGEN, June 11 (Xinhua) -- A senior official of the Communist Party of China (CPC) called here on Wednesday for expanded economic cooperation between China and Denmark."The two countries should expand cooperation in such areas as trade, investment, agriculture, innovation, medical service, food safety and environmental protection," Liu Yunshan......
Networking giant joins two others to invest $26.2m in Bristol-based chip designerHuawei Technologies Co Ltd has made its first equity investment in a British technology company as the Chinese networking and telecommunications giant looks to boost its consumer business by tapping into the market potential of Internet of Things, said analysts.The She......
Medical tourism, once the exclusive preserve of the rich, is growing and changing as hospitals and clinics offer farflung patients advantages hard to come by at home-whether it be high-tech therapy, less-expensive care or alternative treatments.In China, home to a growing number of traveling patients, more foreign medical tourists are seeking care......
 BEIJING, July 16 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Wednesday congratulated Jean-Claude Juncker on his election as the president of the European Commission.In his congratulatory message, Li said the relationship between China and the European Union (EU) is one of the most important bilateral ties in the world.Since their comprehensive ......
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