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Lessons have been learned since the U.S. housing bubble burst and progress has been made in identifying problems sooner, the CEO of Moody's Corporation told Xinhua on Thursday."We are always trying to improve the likelihood that we will see problems early," Moody's President and CEO Raymond McDaniel said in an interview. "We've made changes to our ......
BEIJING, Dec. 13 (Xinhua) -- Political leaders dominate headlines and TV news, and some even maintain official Facebook and Twitter accounts. Now foreign leaders are popping up on China's most popular social networks and gaining masses of followers.Before his three-day visit to China, British Prime Minister David Cameron registered an account on th......
 TIANJIN, Dec. 13 (Xinhua) -- The Airbus assembly plant in China's northern port city of Tianjin has delivered 153 A320 aircraft since it began operation in 2008, according to an Airbus press briefing on Thursday."The Tianjin plant delivered 37 A320 aircraft last year. The production efficiency has improved this year with one aircraft being de......
Senior Communist Party of China (CPC) official Liu Yunshan wrapped up a visit to Denmark on Thursday, calling for stronger China-Denmark ties through trust building and pragmatic cooperation."The relationship between China and Denmark is at its best time in history," Liu, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central......
 BEIJING - China and Britain should enhance pragmatic cooperation in various areas and properly handle differences, said former Chinese Ambassador to Britain Ma Zhengang on Sunday.Ma made the remarks on the eve of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's upcoming visit to Britain. During his stay in London, Li will attend the annual meeting of Chinese pre......
The Vienna Symphony orchestra is going to make its debut on the Chinese mainland in June, collaborating with high-profile conductor Simone Young to serve up a classical music feast of authentic Viennese flavor.The 114-year-old orchestra will kick off its tour to six cities with a Beethoven night at Xinghai Concert Hall in Guangzhou on June 2. The A......
ResumeMou Wei  researcher, her study focuses on : cultural identity, nationalism and cultural transformation in globalization...
BORDEAUX, France, June 16 (Xinhua) -- French Agriculture Minister Stephane Le Foll on Sunday denounced the violent attack on Chinese students in southwest France, saying that the country's image was tarnished by the xenophobic act."It is an unspeakable act. It is the image of France that is damaged with the xenophobic attitudes," said Le Foll at th......
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