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China's trade investigation of wine imports from Europe is not retaliation against European Union's decision to impose punitive tariffs on China's solar panels, a spokesperson of the Chinese Mission to the EU said Thursday."China has long been exercising restraint in adopting trade remedy measures despite of clear evidence for the EU dumping and su......
BOLOGNA, Italy, June 9 (Xinhua) -- The Confucius Institute has become an established venue to bring the Chinese language and culture closer to Europe, Xu Lin, Director-General of Chinese Language Council or Hanban and chief of the institute, told Xinhua in a recent interview.Among the various continents where more than 420 Confucius Institutes and ......
BEIJING, May 26 (Xinhua) -- Premier Li Keqiang has arrived in Berlin for an official visit, opening up a historic opportunity to firm up China's cooperation with Germany and the European Union (EU) at large.The China-Germany relationship is now in its best shape in history, and their fruitful practical cooperation has evolved into a paragon of Chin......
HONG KONG, May 21 (Xinhua) -- The Royal Trophy Golf Tournament will be held for the first time in China on December 20 to 22 at Dragon Lake Golf Club in Guangzhou, announced by Royal Trophy co-managing director Ivan Ballesteros on Tuesday."We are very pleased to announce that the next edition of the Royal Trophy will be held at Dragon Lake Golf Clu......
BEIJING, Dec. 5 (Xinhua) -- The amount of cash Chinese tourists spent in Britain surged in the first half of 2013, with the British government set to launch a campaign to attract more of China's travellers.According to official British statistics, Chinese visitors in Britain spent 181 million pounds in the first half of 2013, up 132 percent year on......
BEIJING -- Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's upcoming trip to Romania and Uzbekistan is expected to explore new areas of practical cooperation with relevant countries and promote common development.During his November 25-29 trip, Li will pay an official visit to Romania and attend a China-Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) leaders' meeting in the capital ......
BEIJING, April 17 -- The shrinkage in investment between China and the European Union (EU) in the first quarter of 2014 is temporary rather than a trend, and the prospects for their economic cooperation are bright, said a Ministry of Commerce spokesman on Thursday.Shen Danyang made the remarks at a news briefing, adding that China attaches great im......
    问:你如何看待当前的中欧关系?     答:当前中国与欧盟的关系总体来说比较好。从经济关系来看,中国与欧盟经贸关系互需性很强,也就是说,在经济贸易方面,双方已经是谁也离不开谁了。就拿最近一段时间的事实来说吧,2012年欧盟仍是我国的第一大贸易伙伴,而我国是欧盟的第二大贸易伙伴。2012年第二季度中国有50亿美元投资于欧洲,比2011年......
时间:2013年5月13日    江时学:今天很高兴能够来到南京大学,与各位深入讨论一下英国与欧洲一体化的关系。南京大学的英国研究(尤其是英国历史研究)在国内学术界享有很高的声誉。尤其在欧洲一体化研究领域,你们从史学角度入手,形成了鲜明而独特的学术风格。因此,我期待着各位提出你们的真知灼见。    有人认为,在过去的几十年中,欧洲一体......
2011年12月20日     刘绯(中国欧洲学会英国研究分会副会长): 在2011年12月8-9日召开的欧盟峰会上,英国首相卡梅伦以“保护英国国家利益”为由,拒绝同意欧盟修改条约,因此,其他26个成员国将不得不在欧盟条约框架之外,以政府间协定的形式,签署新的财政协定。英国此举不仅在英国、在欧洲,而且在全世界范围内引起了强烈反响。在欧洲目前正处于债务危机......
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