欧洲研究所 为您搜到的结果 约有17642项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.056秒)
    2012年9月27日,周弘所长主持召开了欧洲研究所创新工程“对欧战略评估平台”9月份工作例会。各子模块负责人和相关同志就本学科领域的具体进展和科研发现发表了看法。    程卫东研究员、陈新副研究员和胡琨博士首先从法律和经济的角度就德国联邦宪法法院对ESM的裁决进行了分析。陈新副研究员还介绍了德国央行和欧洲央行的最新举措。张海洋博士......
 China's ODI in the European country surged 56 percent year-on-year to $799 million in 2012Chinese investment in Germany will maintain its robust momentum in the near future while auto parts manufacturing is likely to become an emerging sector under more mergers and acquisitions from Chinese enterprises chasing advanced technology, analysts sa......
TAIYUAN, Aug. 1 (Xinhua) -- A company in north China's Shanxi Province has invented a crane with an elevating capacity of 6,400 tonnes, the world's largest.In a statement released on Thursday, Taiyuan Heavy Machinery Group Co., Ltd. said the crane, which itself weighs over 3,000 tonnes, could lift 6,400 tonnes of goods to a height of 120 meters.The......
Jose Luis Lopez-Schummer, president of the Spanish Association of Car Manufacturers (ANFAC) said China is an important market for the Spanish automotive sector.Lopez-Schummer, who has a long career in the automotive industry, participated this week in the 29th Automotive Industry Meeting that was held in the northeastern Spanish city of Barcelona.L......
Opportunities exist in several sectors, but road ahead is not easy, say analystsWith increasing investable assets, stable macroeconomic fundamentals and policies to invest outside China, the nation has become a widely welcomed source of investors, whether they are focused on direct investment or financial products in European countries.Although Chi......
AMSTERDAM, March 22 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived here Saturday for a state visit to the Netherlands and a global nuclear summit.The Netherlands is the first leg of Xi's European tour, which will also take him to France, Germany and Belgium. He will attend the third Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) in The Hague on March 24-25.Xi is ......
Anti-dumping and countervailing probes on European wine and polysilicon are still ongoing, the Ministry of Commerce (MOC) told the Global Times Tuesday.MOC said it hopes that industries on both sides can resolve the dispute through dialogue, consultation and cooperation.The statement came after recent media reports alleging that China has agreed to......
BEIJING, June 17 (Xinhua) -- A Foreign Ministry spokeswoman on Monday urged France to punish three men who recently attacked several Chinese students."China has already made representations demanding that France properly deal with the case, punish the perpetrators in accordance with the law and take substantive measures to safeguard the safety and ......
2010年9月1日▲希腊所有封闭的公共场所即日起全面禁止吸烟。▲罗马尼亚总理博克宣布,执政的民主自由党议员团决定改组政府内阁。 ▲北约秘书长派驻中亚和高加索地区国家的特使罗伯特•西蒙斯在杜尚别和塔吉克斯坦总统拉赫蒙会谈之后宣布,北约可能会在塔境内新建北约反恐中心。 2010年9月2日▲欧盟成员国代表和欧洲议会达成协议,同意从明年起成立4个新的机构加强对银......
BEIJING, Jan. 22 (Xinhuanet) -- When China and Europe join hands in global trade and investment, it means an economic relationship with two billion people involved. That's around 28 percent of the world's population.Data from China's Commerce Ministry shows that the total trade volume between China and Europe has gone higher than 500 billion U.S. d......
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