欧洲研究所 为您搜到的结果 约有17642项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时2.59秒)
  China's Belt and Road Initiative "is really a great and brilliant project," Akos Kovacs, the CEO of Hungary's Ekol Logistics, told Xinhua in a recent interview.
  "It can really help the trading activity and also the logistics industry. It is beneficial both for the customers and the service providers, and even for the authorities," he said.
  Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos extended best wishes for success to the upcoming Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation which will take place in Beijing on May 14-15, in an exclusive statement with Xinhua in Athens.
  "It is with great pleasure that I communicate again in this direct manner -- like in September 2015 when I ext......
  China Railway Container Transport Corp. Ltd.(CRCT), which supports freight flow between China and Europe, reported Wednesday an upsurge of its services to Europe.[Special coverage] 
  In the first four months, the company had 886 freight train services to Europe, an increased of 163 percent year on year, according to a report posted on people......
  Chinese investors are welcome in German financial institutions, Germany's market regulator said on Tuesday after Chinese conglomerate HNA Group raised its stake in Deutsche Bank.
  An acquisition drive by HNA reflects a broader Chinese push into financial services as China encourages its corporate sector to expand overseas, although such move......
  Britain was wise to lead Western membership of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), Stephen Perry, chairman of British 48 Group Club has said.
  Perry will attend the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation held on May 14-15 in Beijing. In a recent interview with Xinhua, Perry said that the Belt and Road Initiative is a cent......
Emmanuel Macron, France's former economy minister, has won the French presidential election with 65 percent of the votes. President of the European Council Donald Franciszek Tusk, President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and German Chancellor Angela Merkel all declared that Macron's win was a victory for France and for Europe. 
The ......
The Brexit referendum ended Friday, with the Leave side winning with 51.9 percent, versus the Remain side's 48.1 percent. British Prime Minister David Cameron announced he would step down by October. Now when Britain will exit the EU hinges on the UK Parliament and the EU. If the EU doesn't want to prolong Brexit negotiations, Britain will withdraw......
  Banners are hung to greet the upcoming Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing, capital of China, May 7, 2017. Beijing will host the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation on May 14-15. (Xinhua/Chen Xiaogen)
  Beijing is ready to host the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation from May 14 to 15, as......
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