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【欧洲时报特约记者周睿璇2月22日北京报道】法国总理贝尔纳·卡泽纳夫(Bernard Cazeneuve)21日起对中国进行为期三天的访问,这是他上任后在欧洲大陆之外的首站出访。多位学者在接受本报特约记者采访时表示,卡泽纳夫访华将助推中法战略合作。
  China is committed to opening wider to the world and providing more investment opportunities for foreign companies, according to a Foreign Ministry spokesman Tuesday.
  Spokesman Lu Kang made the remarks at a routine news briefing, adding that China will create a more favorable, ordered investment environment and a level playing field for for......
  Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (R) shakes hands with French Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve in Beijing, capital of China, Feb. 21, 2017. (Xinhua/Yao Dawei)
  China and France on Tuesday signed agreements on nuclear energy and science during French Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve's Beijing visit.
  During talks with Cazeneuve, Chinese Premie......
  Smog in Europe and North America could be more than 25 times more lethal than the average air pollution found in Chinese cities, a new study suggests.
  In the largest ever study of its kind in the developing world, researchers tested the effects of air ......
  Britain's relationship with China is more important than ever as the country is negotiating its departure from the European Union (EU), said Britain's Lord Mayor of London Andrew Parmley in a recent interview with Xinhua.
  Parmley was to lead a business delegation to Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin on Feb. 16-26, in a bid to......
  The European Commission's latest forecast puts China's expectedeconomic growth at 6.4 percent in 2017 and 6.2 percent in 2018, with the macroeconomic policy reacting to any significant weakening of momentum.
  Chiina's growth was contained in the European Economic Forecast released on Monday in Brussels, saying Beijing's macroeconomic policy ......
Scientific and cultural innovation plans were major highlights of the 13 cooperative documents signed by China and Italy on Wednesday, which analysts said showcases a shared pursuit of new economic engines to offset downward pressure.
The pacts were inked after the talk between President Xi Jinping and his Italian counterpart, Sergio Mattarella, on......
  The European Union's (EU) trade chief has outlined the opportunities from strengthening trade and investment relations with China, assuring the business community that the bloc would fight protectionism together with Beijing.
  "If rising protectionism from elsewhere is a threat to the Chinese economy, we stand ready to engage and fight ag......
题     名著  者出版社出版年ISBN索书号
Faithfully urban : pious Muslims in a German city /Kuppinger, Petra.New York : Berghahn, 2015.20159781782386568 (har dback : alk. paper )D751.663/K96
Rule-makers or rule-takers? : exploring the transatlantic trade and and investment partnership Hamilton, Daniel S.London : Rowman & Littlefield International Ltd.......
  China has been consistently supporting the European integration and is willing to work with the European side for the world's peace and development, top Chinese diplomat said Saturday.
  Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi made the remarks in meeting with his French counterpart Jean-Marc Ayrault on the sidelines of the 53rd Munich Security Confe......
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