欧洲研究所 为您搜到的结果 约有17642项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.052秒)
题     名著  者出版社出版年ISBN索书号
The Collapse and Recovery of Europe, AD 476-1648 Schwartzwald, Jack L.,Jefferson, North Carolina : McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, [2016]20169781476662305/D750.2/S399
The birth of the Elizabethan Age : England in the 1560s Jones, Norman L.Oxford, UK ; Cambridge, Mass., USA : B. Blackwell, 1993.1993978063......
题     名著  者出版社出版年ISBN索书号
The Collapse and Recovery of Europe, AD 476-1648 Schwartzwald, Jack L.,Jefferson, North Carolina : McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, [2016]20169781476662305/D750.2/S399
Interparliamentary cooperation in the composite European constitution Lupo, Nicola,Oxford ; Portland, OR : Hart Publishing Ltd, 2016.20169......
黄平: 回归以来这20年,要说变......
  Exchange traded fund allows people to buy Chinese stocks otherwise out of reach 
  Europe's financial markets took another step to help local investors buy into the opportunities offered by China's economic growth with the launch in Frankfurt on Monday of a new financial instrument covering a range of Chinese stocks.
  The new exchange trad......
China and the European Union will voice their commitment to globalisation and fighting climate change at their annual summit this week, in a bid to address the challenge posed by US President Donald Trump’s ‘America First’ policies.
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang will arrive in Brussels today for talks with EU Council President Donald Tusk and Europ......
Donald Trump's first trip to Europe as US president failed to mollify the mounting tensions between the US and Europe, especially Germany. After the Group of Seven (G7) summit in Italy, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said, "We Europeans must take our destiny into our own hands." Meanwhile, Trump called the Germans "very bad" for their vast trade s......
Premier Li Keqiang began his four-day visit to Germany and Belgium on Wednesday, during which he is scheduled to attend the annual meeting with German chancellor and the 19th China-EU leaders' meeting.
Whether Beijing and Brussels can shelve their differences and what the latter can do with its "normative power" to strengthen Sino-EU ties will be c......
南方都市报:如何看待评价特朗普的这次欧洲之行,包括参加G 7峰会,会见北约和欧盟领导人等引发的巨大争议?
赵晨:可以用“意料之中”来概括。说“意料之中”,是因为特朗普这样一位“另类”的美国总统,他在竞选期间和当选后对欧洲的态度,欧洲的领导人和媒体是清楚的。这次双方在G 7峰会或北约领导人会议上的表现和互动,并没有超出预期。跨大西洋关系并......
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