欧洲研究所 为您搜到的结果 约有17642项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.052秒)
  Chinese President Xi Jinping has embarked on a state visit to Finland today, and the Finnish people are excited and hopeful about the visit of the top Chinese leader.[Special coverage] 
  The Chinese leader visits Finland in the year that marks the centenary of Finland's independence, showing "respect and appreciation for the long-standing fr......
  Clean energy, advanced manufacturing sectors attractive to Chinese firms 
  The bilateral economic relationship between China and Finland has seen burgeoning growth in recent years thanks to the development of competitive Finnish industries such as clean energy and advanced manufacturing, the country's well-established business environment an......
  Chinese President Xi Jinping's upcoming visit to Finland will enhance bilateral relations, advance China-Northern Europe cooperation and promote the building of the Sino-European partnerships for peace, growth, reform and civilization.
  Xi's visit to Finland from Tuesday to Thursday will be his first trip to a European Union member state thi......
  Chinese President Xi Jinping published a signed article in the Finnish newspaper Helsinki Times on Monday under the title "Our Enduring Friendship" ahead of his state visit to Finland on April 4-6.[Special coverage] 
  The following is the full text of the article:
  Our Enduring Friendship 
  By H.E. Xi Jinping 
  President of the Peop......
  High-level exchanges between China and Europe reflect the breadth and depth of today's comprehensive strategic partnership between the two sides.
  With growing scope of bilateral cooperation, both sides are prudently optimistic about reaching more positive outcomes in the future and encompassing the full scope of a more mature bilateral rela......
  Britain is looking forward to making a significant and practical contribution to the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative, said British Ambassador to China Barbara Woodward on Friday.
  Britain is very much excited about the vision of the Belt and Road Initiative, an inclusive development project, and sees a huge opportunity of bilateral c......

  China and the European Union (EU) are pursuing international cooperation in the most sustained and professional manner, former Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel has said.
  Certain developments away from such cooperation are dangerous, and it is urgent to prioritize multilateral cooperation, Schuessel told Xinhua in a recent intervi......
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