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On March 14, Britain's Parliament passed the Brexit bill, allowing Prime Minister Theresa May to start negotiations for the U.K.'s exit from the European Union (EU). These are likely to begin in the last week of March.
With people in various countries wondering what the impact of this move will be, Chinese also need to ponder this question.
Soon af......
新华社记者 郑江华 周而捷

  Sharing a pint of ale and fish and chips at an English country pub is the image often used to mark the start of President Xi Jinping and former UK prime minister David Cameron's "Golden Era" in China-UK relations.
  But another picture may be just as telling. In September 2015, one month before Xi's state visit to Britain, then-chancellor ......
  The European Union (EU) stands firmly with China to fight global protectionism, a senior EU official in Brussels pledged on Monday.
  "I welcomed President Xi Jinping's commitment in fighting against protectionism," EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom said at a seminar on China's reform agenda organized by Business Europe in Brussels.
  The European Union (EU) is shooting itself in the foot as it has decided to impose higher anti-dumping rules on Chinese steel products, a clearly protectionist move.
  The European Commission on Friday decided to levy anti-dumping duties on stainless steel pipe products manufactured by Chinese businesses for a five-year period, with duties ra......
  China remained Britain's third biggest trading partner after the European Union (EU) and the United States, as British car production achieved a 17-year high in 2016, the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) said Thursday.
  China, the world's largest car market, "remains a vitally important market for the UK automotive industry,......
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