民族学与人类学研究所 为您搜到的结果 约有24802项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时1.19秒)
Known for its leadership in innovative education and research, the School of Human Evolution and Social Change goes beyond the scope that traditionally defines the study of anthropology. By building upon the discipline’s chief strength — its holistic, long-term perspective, we recognize a vast range of interests, academic fields and research meth......
http://shesc.asu.edu/ 2018年03月08日11时38分57秒
The first lecturer appointed to the Department at Wits was the world famous scholar A.R. Radcliffe-Browne in 1921. The Department itself was established in 1923. It became the Department of Social Anthropology and African Administration in 1957. Over the years it has played a significant role in the history of the discipline world-wide, and in Sout......
Anthropology was established as an independent program at La Trobe University in 1994. Before that anthropology subjects (units) were offered as part of the Sociology Program. Over the years, anthropology at La Trobe University has developed strong teaching and research profiles.

Anthropology is currently only available to students at the......
http://www.latrobe.edu.au/anthropology/ 2018年03月08日11时38分31秒
A comienzos del siglo XIX, cuando Chile se formaba como nación sintió la necesidad de asentar su identidad, de reconocer lo que le era propio y de institucionalizar su patrimonio. Nuestra semilla fue un pueblo indómito, el mapuche (gente de la tierra), que cuando fue invadido no defendió culturas monumentales sino una forma de vivir en armonía......
http://www.dibam.cl/historia_natural/ 2018年03月08日11时38分34秒
Anthropology is the scientific study of the human condition, an exploration of the biological, linguistic, social, material, and cultural aspects of life in the past, present, and future. Of the many disciplines that study our species, Homo sapiens, only anthropology seeks to understand the whole panorama—in geographic space and evolutionary time—......
http://www.anthropology.ualberta.ca/ 2018年03月08日11时38分37秒
The Department of Sociology and Anthropology offers courses and programs designed to teach students to analyze and understand basic sociocultural processes, statuses, and roles; prepare students for careers and graduate study in the various fields and sub-fields; contribute to the liberal arts training and knowledge of all undergraduates; and provi......
http://ualr.edu/anthropology/ 2018年03月08日11时38分50秒
The Centre for Pacific and Asian Studies (CPAS) was established in 1991. Developed from the former Centre for Australian and Oceanic Studies, the CPAS has an interdisciplinary character and covers Oceania, including Australia and New Zealand, Continental Asia and insular Southeast Asia. The Centre is hosted by the Cultural Anthropology research gro......
http://www.ru.nl/caos/cpas/ 2018年03月08日11时39分24秒
严汝娴, 宋兆麟. 论纳西族的母系“衣杜”. 民族研究, 1981(3)...
严汝娴, 刘尧汉. 永宁纳西族社会及母系制调查——宁蒗县纳西族家庭婚姻调查之三. 云南人民出版社, 1986...
王庆丰. 阿察布密歌词的解释. 满语研究 1992(2)...
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