民族学与人类学研究所 为您搜到的结果 约有24802项符合 的查询结果, 如下是第 1-10 项(搜索用时0.349秒)
贺嘉善. 仡佬语的系属. 民族语文, 1982(5)...
陈宗振. 西部裕固语系动词的“口气”. 西北民族研究, 1998(2)...
孙宏开. 西藏——世界的屋脊(英文). 载中国新讯(新加坡), 1994,7(5):46-57...
孙宏开. 藏缅语复辅音研究(英文). 藏缅区域语言学(美国), 1986,9(1):1-21...
曹成章, 满都尔图,陈乃文,李近春. 中国少数民族在报刊中的地位(英文). 联合国教科文组织,1986...
周庆生. 全国民族语文工作会议与国务院32号文件.载马丽雅、孙宏开、李旭练、周勇、戴庆厦编:中国民族语文政策与法律述评, 民族出版社, 2007, p185-212...
梁景之. 自然灾害与古代北方草原游牧民族. 民族研究, 1994(3)...
梁景之.区域民族研究的新成果——何星亮著《新疆民族传统社会与文化》评价.民族研究, 2005(3)...
Are you interested in knowing more about the world we live in? Why are some people poor and others rich? What are the differences between men and women? How does culture shape our ideas? What are the causes, and solutions to social problems in today's society? 

If, for example, we want to understand what leads some people to heroin addiction, soci......
http://www.sfu.ca/sociology/index.html 2018年03月08日11时38分38秒
Anthropology is the comparative study of humanity. At its broadest, it seeks to understand the origin and diversification of human adaptations to the natural and social environment. Thus physical anthropologists study the evolution of human anatomy and archeologists study the artifacts left behind by human manipulation of the natural world. But the......
http://www.rochester.edu/College/ANT/ 2018年03月08日11时38分45秒
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