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http://www.nijhoffonline.nl 2018年03月02日18时09分17秒
The Princeton University Department of Anthropology takes an interpretive approach to contemporary realities and to the social worlds that people create and inhabit. We are interested in the comparative study of cultures, their interplay and relation to the past. The Department offers both an undergraduate major and a Ph.D. program.

Our framing of......
http://www.princeton.edu/anthropology/ 2018年03月08日11时38分53秒
Over the last 10 years, the Department of Anthropology has changed in several important ways that will enable us to reach new and higher levels of excellence. We have added a number of new faculty, we more actively engage both undergraduates and graduate students in research, and we have focused our programs on our considerable strengths. 

http://anthropology.msu.edu/ 2018年03月08日11时38分55秒
Anthropologists examine the human condition across time and space. The Department of Anthropology at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign has long been a leader in our discipline through active programs in archeology, biological anthropology, and sociocultural and linguistic anthropology. We offer an undergraduate major as well as doctoral ......
http://www.anthro.illinois.edu/ 2018年03月08日11时38分58秒
The Department of Anthropology offers undergraduate major programs in Anthropology, including an Honors Degree option, and in Anthropology Education. In addition, interdepartmental majors with other departments are possible, and an Anthropology minor is also available.

The undergraduate program at the University emphasizes a variety of subspecialt......
http://www.udel.edu/anthro/ 2018年03月08日11时39分01秒
The Swedish National Museums of World Culture form a government authority that consists of four museums with shared responsibility for a large part of the international cultural heritage in Sweden. These four museums of world culture provide perspectives on the world and societal change.
The four museums are situated in the two biggest cities in Sw......
http://www.smvk.se/smvk/jsp/polopoly.jsp?d=140 2018年03月08日11时39分14秒
The Department of Sociology and Anthropology is part of the new School of Environment and Society (formed in January 2005). We have thriving and rapidly expanding Taught Masters programme in Social Research. Students can also pursue individual research at postgraduate level. We no longer offer degree schemes at undergraduate level, but we continue ......
http://www.swan.ac.uk/socanth/ 2018年03月08日11时39分29秒
Covering the spectrum of anthropology from the social and cultural to the biological, and taking in visual anthropology, computational methods, ethnobiology, environmental anthropology, primatology, and conservation and ecology along the way, the School of Anthropology and Conservation at Kent is a most exciting place in which to learn......
http://www.kent.ac.uk/sac/ 2018年03月08日11时39分31秒
The World Council of Anthropological Associations (WCAA) is a network of national and international associations that aims to promote worldwide communication and cooperation in anthropology. Its primary objectives are: to promote the discipline of anthropology in an international context; to promote cooperation and the sharing of information among ......
http://www.wcaanet.org/ 2018年03月08日11时39分34秒
The Institute of Literatures of Ethnic Minorities was founded in 1980. It is the scientific research institution for studies on literatures of minorities in China. Its main objects: the writer-literatures and folk-literatures of the minorities in China; the special patterns of the developments of minority-literatures and the basic theories of moder......
http://iel.cass.cn/ 2018年03月08日11时40分02秒
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