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Zhao Zhijun

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Zhao ZhijunDate:2005-05-18


Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
#27 Wangfujing St.
Beijing, 100710
P. R. China
Tel: +86-10-64461006 (H)
 +86-10-64461051 (O)
fax: +86-10-65135532
Email:  zzzhangy@public3.bta.net.cn

Ph.D. in anthropology, University of Missouri-Columbia.  1996
M.A. in anthropology, University of Missouri-Columbia.  1992
B.A. in archaeology, Peking University, China.  1982

06/99-present.  Professor.  Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
04/98-04/99.  Research Assistant.  The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City, USA.
10/96-03/98.  Postdoctoral Fellow.  Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, USA.
01/86-12/88.  Research Fellow.  Chinese Military Museum, Beijing, China.
02/82-12/85.  Editor.  Wenwu Press, Beijing, China.

2000-present.  Specialist. Institute of Archaeology, CASS. Carrying out floatation work at more than
 30 archaeological sites in China.
1996. Principal investigator.  Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.  Lake coring at the Dongting and Boyang lakes, China.
1993 and 1995.  Archaeological supervisor.  Andover Foundation for Archaeological Research. 
 Excavations at two early Neolithic cave sites, Jiangxi, China.
Participant.  New South Associate, Inc.  Archaeological survey in the Ouachita National
 Forest, Oklahoma and Arkansas, USA.

Member of the Society for East Asian Archaeology.
Member of the Society for Phytolith Research.
Member of Editorial Committee, Journal of East Asian Archaeology.

2005 Zhao, Zhijun. On the distinctive features of agricultural economy during the formation of the Xia-Shang-Zhou Civilization. Huaxia Archaeology  No.1, 2005. (In Chinese.)
2004 Zhao, Zhijun. Study on the origin of the dry-land agriculture in North China based on the
 floatation result from the Xinglonggou site, Inner Mongolia. In Antiquities of Eastern Asia 
 Vol A. Wenwu Press, Beijing. (In Chinese.)
2004 Zhao, Zhijun and Xue, Lianggao. Analysis of the floatation result from the Zhouyuan site,
 Shaanxi Province. Wenwu (Cultural Relics) No.10, 2004. (in Chinese)
2004 Zhao, Zhijun. Floatation: A paleoethnobotanical method in the field archaeology. Kaogu
 (Archaeology) No.3, 2004. (In Chinese.)
2004 Zhao, Zhijun and Namba, Junko. The origin of early Chinese agriculture--The origin and
 expansion of rice agriculture. Cultura Antiqua. Vol. 56 No. 1.  (In Japanese.)
2004 Zhao, Zhijun. Analysis of the floatation result from the  Fengtai site, an early Bronze site at
 Qinhai Province. Kaogu & Wenwu (Archaeology & Cultural Relics) No. 2, 2004. (In
2004 Zhao Zhijun.  Biases in Paleoethnobotanical records. In Scientific and Technological
 Research on Cultural Relics. Vol 1. Science Press, Beijing. (In Chinese)
2002 Zhao, Zhijun. Seasonal strengthening and rice domestication: An ecological perspective. In
 Chinese Archaeology and World Archaeology in the 20th Century. Chinese Social Sciences Press, Beijing.
2001 Zhao, Zhijun. Disciplinary position and research content of Paleoethnobotany.  Kaogu
 (Archaeology) No. 7, 2001. (In Chinese)
2000 Zhao, Zhijun and D.R. Piperno. Late Pleistocene/Holocene environments in the middle
 Yangtze River valley, China, and rice (Oryza sativa L.) domestication: The phytolith
 evidence.  Geoarchaeology  Vol.15, No.2:203-222.
1998 Zhao, Zhijun. The middle Yangtze region in China is one place where rice was domesticated: Phytolith evidence from the Diaotonghuan cave, northern Jiangxi.  Antiquity 278:885-897
1998 Zhao, Zhijun, D.M. Pearsall, R.A. Benfer and D.R. Piperno.  Distinguishing rice (Oryza
sativa Poaceae) from wild Oryza species through phytolith analysis, II: Finalized method. 
 Economic Botany  (52)2:134-145.
1998 Zhao, Zhijun and D.M. Pearsall.  Experiments for improving phytolith extraction from soils. 
 Journal of Archaeological Science  25:587-598.