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Dong Xinlin

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2009-01-22


Professor  Xinlin Dong
Personal Information
Family name: Dong
Given Name: Xinlin
Date of Birth: September, 1966        Birth Place: Liaoning Province
Sex: Male                       
Telephone: (86-10)65235110        
E-mail: xldong151@163.com
Contact info: No.27 Wangfujing Dajie,
Institute of Archaeology, CASS.
Beijing, 100710,

Work Experience:
August, 2008- present: Professor, Institute of Archaeology, CASS.
August,2007- present: Vice-Director, Dept. of Han-Tang Archaeological research,  Institute of Archaeology, CASS.
August, 2000- July, 2008: Associate Professor, Institute of Archaeology, CASS.
August, 1995-July, 2000: Assistant Professor, Institute of Archaeology, CASS.
August, 1993-July, 1995: Assistant,The Institute of Archaeology, CASS.
1989– July 1993: M.A. Dept. Archaeology, Beijing University.
1985– July 1989: B.A. Dept. Archaeology, Jilin University.

Achievements & Activities:
February, 2002 to March, 2002: academic research in Japan.
March, 2004 to August, 2004: visiting scholar in Seoul Universiy sponsored by the Korea Foundation. .
Vice chief editor of : “Mural Painting of Liao and Chin Dynasty”.
Writing items of the second revision of “The Encyclopedia of China: Archaeology”.
Directing excavations at important sites including Liao Period Cemeteries in Inner Mongolia in recent years.

Research interests: archaeology of the Liao, Jin and Yüan Dynasties, and comparative archaeological study of social culture of all kingdoms in Sino-West countries.

Until January 2009, there are 4 archeology issue and about more than 30 reports and articles on archaeology.
Jinxiang Liu and Xinlin Dong (match to sign signature, main writer), 1997. The Zhaobaogou site in Aohan banner: A Neolithic Settlement, the Encyclopedia of China Publishing House, Beijing China, November 1997. Roughly 580 thousand words,147-line figure, 96 diagram versions.
Xinlin Dong, 2004. Ancient Mural Paintings of China, Sichuan People Publishing House, Chengdu, China, 2004. Roughly 90 thousand words.
Xinlin Dong, 2005.  Archaeological Research on Ancient Mausoleum and Tombs of China, Fujian People Publishing House, Fuzhou, China, 2005. Roughly 240 thousand words.
Xinlin Dong, 2007. Excavation of  Xiheishan Cemetery in Xushui in the Chin-Yuan Period. Cultural Relics Publishing House, Beijing, China, 2007. Roughly 400 thousand words.

Important Papers
Neolithic Age:
1. Jinxiang Liu and Xinlin Dong (match to sign signature, main worker), 1996. The agriculture economic on the culture of Zhaobaogou, Archaeology, No2, 1996.
2. Xinlin Dong, 1997. On Zhaobaogou Culture, Seeking truth in the field of archaeology: the Symposium of Promising Young’s in the Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 1996, China Social Sciences Publishing House Beijing, China, 1997.
3. Jinxiang Liu and Xinlin Dong (match to sign signature, main worker), 1997. A Preliminary Study of Preliminary Settlement around Yanshan Mountain, Cultural Relics, No8, 1997.
4. Xinlin Dong, 1999. A Brief Discussion on the periodization of the Dawenkou Culture at Yedian, Zouxian, Northern Cultural Relics, No2, 1999.
Bronze Age:
1. Xinlin Dong, 1996. Study on Gaotaishan Culture, Archaeology, No.6, 1996.
2. Xinlin Dong, 1998. The Definition of Weiyingzi Culture and the Related Problems, Collection of Green Fruits: Collected Works for the Tenth Anniversary of the Archaeology Department of Jilin University, Knowledge Publishing House Beijing, China, 1998.
3. Xinlin Dong, 2000. A Preliminary Study of the Weiyingzi Culture, Acta Archaeologica Sinica, No.1, 2000.

Liao, Chin, Yüan and Song Dynasties:
Xinlin Dong, 2001. The importance of Protection and Excavation on the Upper Capital of Liao Dynasty, China Cultural Relics News, December 14, 2001.
Xinlin Dong, 2002. A Preliminary Research on the Types and Pattern of Tombs of the Song Dynasty in Gan-Min Regions, Chinese Archaeology and World Archaeology in the 20th Century, Beijing, 2002.
Xinlin Dong, 2002. History Picture of the Liao Dynasty: Zhalute Ancient Tombs of the Liao Dynasty. Civilization, No.4, 2002.
Xinlin Dong,2003. A Study on the Tombs of Feudal lords in Ming Dynasty. Journal of National Museum of Chinese History, No.4, 2003.
Xinlin Dong and Tala, 2003. Mural Tombs of the Liao Period at Haotehua in Jarud Banner, Inner Mongolia. Archaeology, No.1, 2003.
Xinlin Dong,2004. Von anständigen Kindern und fliegenden Kranichen:Wandmalereien in mongolenzeitlichen Gräbern Chinas,(Germany)ANTIKE WELT,No.1, 2004.
Xinlin Dong,2004. A Brief Discussion on the Typology and Periodization of Liao Period Tombs, Archaeologi, No.8,2004.
Xinlin Dong,2004. Society and Life Reflected in the Wall-Paintings during the Liao Dynasty, (Korea) Study of the central Asian, No.9, 2004.
Xinlin Dong,2005. On Ancient Sino-Korean Cultural Exchangees in the Light of the Features of Ancient Korean Tombs, Chinese Archaeology in the New Century: Papers in Honor of Prof. Wang Zhongshu’s 80th Birthday. Science Press. Beijing China, 2005.
Xinlin Dong,2005. Liao Dynasty Painted Tombs at Haotehua, Jarud Banner, Inner Mongolia, Chinese Archaeology, Volume 5, 2005.
Xinlin Dong,2006. On the Mural Themes from the Mongolia and Yuan Period Tombs and Related Problems, Chinese Archaeology in the 21st Century: Festschrift in Honor of Tong Zhuchen’s 85th Birthday. Cultural Relics Publishing House, Beijing China, 2006.
Xinlin Dong,2006. Discovery and Study on the Upper Capital of Liao Dynasty. Northern Cultural Relics, No.3, 2006.
Fengzhu Liu and Xinlin Dong, 2007. A Decipherment of the “Epitaph of Grand Tutor Salai Shilu” in Qidan Lesser Script, Archaeology, No.5, 2007.
Xinlin Dong,2008. About excavation and Study on the Upper Capital of Liao Dynasty. Northern Cultural Relics, No.2, 2008.
Xinlin Dong,2008. Research on the History of the Polo Sport in Ancient China. Research in the Civilization of Zhou, Qin, Han and Tang Dynasties. Guji Publishing House in Shanghai, Shanghai China, 2008.
Xinlin Dong,2009. A Study on the Painting Tomb of Chin Dynasty in Song village of Tunliu County, Collection of New Fruit: Papers in Honor of Prof. Lin Yun’s 70th Birthday. Science Press. Beijing China. 2009.