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Research on the house and inner-settlement pattern in the Middle Neolithic middle Yellow River Valley

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2007-08-30
By Huang Yunming        Supervisor: Zhu Naicheng
Key words: Huanghe River valley the intermediate stage of Neolithic  the house  the residence pattern
The origin and development of the houses directly relates the development of the whole human society. The research on the house remains of archaeology sites is a topic of concern to the academic circles. From the entire prehistoric age, knowing the features of Residence patterns which taking the house as the center in Huanghe River valley in the intermediate stage of Neolithic is of great significance to exploration to Chinese development of prehistoric settlement and even the Chinese civilization origin.
The paper first catties on the typology analysis to the Huanghe River valley houses, and divides these houses into two kinds: semi-ground class and the ground class. According to the house sites planform, semi-ground class is divided into the circular class, the irregular shape class and the square class. The circular is divided into 3 categories 8 types, the irregular shape is divided into 2 categories 5 types, the square shape is divided into 2 categories 3 types. The house material classification lay the foundation for the inspection to the Residence patterns of Huanghe River vally in the intermediate stage of Neolithic. From a single house site, the house and surrounding other sites, the houses and settlements(villages), we analysis some houses from some typical sites of Laoguantai culture, Peligang culture, Cishan culture and Houli culture, and summarize characteristics of residence patterns of Huanghe River vally in the intermediate stage of Neolithic. We occupy to divide the residence patterns to two kinds model in this stage, one kind is called the Peiligang pattern; another kind is called the Houli pattern.
In order to further understanding the houses and the residence patterns of Huanghe River vally, we finally also make a brief comparison between Huanghe River valley with the north Xinglongwa culture and Yangtze River Pengtoushan culture.