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An archaeological study to social process in northern Huai valley and the region between Huai and Yangtze of Pre-Qin dynasty

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2010-07-02
By Xu Feng(PH.D)      Supervisor:Wang Wei
This study aimed to investigate the social process of a specific region from the prehistoric to the formation of early state, and then to the eve of Empire been founded. This region included Northern Huai valley and the region between Huai and Yangtze valley. This area has three main characters: the transition area, eastern area along the sea, and “Yi” people lived here before Qin dynasty .
Regional social development is a organic part of the China social process. The social process of different areas and time period has different formations and characters. The beginning of this study is Dawenkou culture. This part discusses the process of early state to the Empire. During this process, there are evidences of interactions between inside groups and outside groups. Because of the unequal social development of different region, some regions have inequality social relationship and private ownership appeared while some societies are still in equal status. However, once a region has inequality social relationship, the balance was broken, and the whole environment will be changed.
During our discussion, we focus on two sets of relationship: the inside of this region and the outer environment of this region. For first relationship, we talk about the social relationship changed from equal to unequal in southern part of Shandong province and close areas. At same time, on the process to the early state, this area also affects the social development of northern Anhui and Yangtze-Huai region. For second relationship, we focus on the natural ecology of outer environment and the political and cultural influence from central part of China and southern Yangtze valley. Following these two relationships, we start from Dawenkou culture, after Longshan culture, Yueshi culture, Shang Dynasty, Western Zhou Dynasty and Spring –Autumn period. During this long time period, the confliction and amalgamation between inside and outside intensify. The matrix area of south and north pressured this region. It lacks of domestic characters and stable and consistent dynamic. We called this “Broken-consistent model”.  While the dependent Haidai region was invaded in upper erligang cultre, the region was hauled into the political and cultural system of shang. In western zhou period, the zhou people also tried to control  Haidai region . At the same time,  northern Anhui and Yangtze-Huai region struggle the zhou people. However, the influence of zhou culture is unstoppable.
During Spring-autumn period, Royal court declined. The confliction between regional states was very severe. Compare with former period, “Chu”, this new power involved in this region. As Powerful states conquest the small states gradually, this region merged into the empire relatively early.
Keywords: pre-Qin dynasty, Northern Huai valley and the region between Huai and Yangtze valley, social process, region interaction