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International Symposium on the East Asian Buddhist Temple Pagoda Sanctuaries

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Bai XuesongDate:2005-10-09


The Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Tohoku Gakuin University of Japan co-sponsored the “East Asian Buddhist Temple Pagoda Sanctuaries of the sixth-seventh centuries” International Symposium in Beijing, on the 17th-18th of March, 2005. Chinese, Japanese and Korean scholars attended this symposium. The symposium was organized by the Han-Tang Department of the institute (Zhu Yanshi was the committee leader) and funded by a grant from the “Heiwa Nakajima Foundation Research Foundation, the Asian section”, which was awarded to Professor Sagawa Masatosi of the Tohoku Gakuin University Graduate School Cultural Studies. The symposium was followed by an archaeological tour.