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International Conference on Ancient Civilization will hold in Beijing

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2007-10-16
International Conference on Ancient Civilization hosted by Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Science, will hold in Beijing October 18-19th  2007. Archaeologists from China, American, France, Italy, Turkey ect. will attend and give excellent speechs.
Conference Schedule
October 18, 2007
9:00-9:30  Opening Ceremony
Hosted by the Director of the Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Speeches Delivered by the Heads from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and National Administrative Bureau of Cultural Relics
9:30-10:00  New Developments of the Study on the Origin of the Ancient Chinese Civilizations
Wang Wei, Research Fellow, Director of the Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
10:00-11:00  Social Stratigraphy at Catalhoyuk, Turkey
Ian Hodder, Professor, Director of Archaeology Center, Stanford University
11:00-11:30  Niuheliang Site and the Social Complexity in the Later Phase of Hongshan Culture
Liu Guoxiang, Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
11:30-12:30  New Developments in the Study of Early Mesopotamian Civilization
Henry Wright, Professor, Department of Anthropology, Michigan University
12:30-13:30  Lunch
13:30-14:00  The Lingjiatan Settlement: Dawn of the Ancient Chinese Civilization
Zhang Jingguo, Research Fellow, Anhui Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology
14:00-15:00 The Interplay of Ideology, Exchange, and Communication in the Origins of Classic Maya Civilization
William L. Fash, Professor,Director of Peabody Museum, Harvard University
15:00-15:20  Tea Break
15:20-15:50  Liangzhu Culture and the Early Chinese Civilization
Liu Bin, Research Fellow, Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology
15:50-16:50  The Origin of the Neolithic in Europe
Jean-Paul Demoule, Professor, Président de l'Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives
16:50-17:20 Taosi Site and the Early Chinese Civilization
He Nu, Research Fellow, Institute of Archaeology,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
18:00  Dinner
October 19, 2007
9:00-9:40  On the Origins of Writings in the West and East Civilizations
Antonio Ammassari, Professor, University of Malta, Italy
9:40-10:10  Erlitou Site: A Major Focus for the Study of State Formation in Early China
Xu Hong, Research Fellow, Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
10:10-10:50  Water and Water Lilies: Symbols of Ancient Maya Civilization 
Barbara W. Fash, Director, Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions, Peabody Museum, Harvard University
10:50-12:00  Discussion
12:00-13:30  Lunch
Archaeologists Forum
13:30-14:45  New Results from Catalhoyuk: 9000 Years Old Town in Central Turkey
Ian Hodder, Professor, Director of Archaeology Center, Stanford University
14:45-15:00  Tea Break
15:00-16:15  Dynastic Origins, Divine Kingship, and Ecological Disaster among the Classic Maya: Multi-disciplinary Research at the Ruins of Copan, Honduras
William L. Fash, Professor, Director of Peabody Museum, Harvard University