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Bai Yunxiang Attends “International Academic Forum on the Formation and Development of Iron Age Cultures in Northeast Asia” in South Korea

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2009-02-24

Bai Yunxiang, Deputy Director of the Institute of Archaeology CASS, visited South Korea from February 5th to February 9th 2009, at the invitation of the Chonbuk National University's Department of Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology BK21 Division. During his visit, he was invited to participate in the “International Academic Forum on the Formation and Development of Iron Age Cultures in Northeast Asia”.

The forum was organised by South Korea's Chonbuk National University's Department of Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology BK21 Division and was held at the Chonbuk National University from February 6th to February 7th. Over 80 experts and students from Archaeological department from China, Japan and South Korea participated in the forum. During the forum, Bai Yunxiang gave a presentation on “The Propagation and Principles of Qin and Han Era Ironware” and took part in the subsequent discussion. There were also presentations by Japanese scholars Matsui Kazuyuki and Murakami Yasuyuki and Korean scholars Lee Nam-Gyu and Son Myeong-Jo. The forum gave scholars the opportunity to share achievements and developments of their research of ancient ironware and encouraged scholarly exchange between the three countries.
After the forum, Bai Yunxiang was invited to visit the Kijon Institute of Cultural Heritage, the Jeonju National Museum, the Gwangju National Museum, and the National Naju Institute of Cultural Heritage.

Translated by Kelly McGuire