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Professor Wang Wei visited Australia

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2009-04-01


     Invited by Dr. Jia Weiming of the Sydney University, Professor Wang Wei, director of IACASS and Professor Cong Dexin, head of the Research Management Office of IACASS visited Sydney University and La Trobe University from March 19 to 28. They gave two lectures in Sydney University. Prof. Wang’s lecture “The latest results of the Origin of Chinese Civilization Project” provided to the listeners the latest information on Chinese archaeologists’ efforts for the exploration of the origin of Chinese civilization. Prof. Cong gave the other lecture on prehistoric archaeological cultures in Xinjiang. They also visited the labs in the Department of Archaeology, Sydney University to see the research on starch remain and X-ray analysis on obsidian.


    In a meeting with Professor Alison Betts of the Department of Archaeology, they discussed the possibility of cooperation on archaeology in Xinjiang.
During their staying in Sydney, Prof. Wang and Prof. Cong also visited the New South Wales Museum and met with the Curator of the Museum.
    Before their visiting to Sydney, Wang and Cong had stayed in Melbourne for two days and visited the Archaeology Program of La Trobe University. They had a happy meeting with Professor Tim Murray and Professor Liu Li, both of whom are old friends of the IACASS.