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The Director of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities paid a visit to the Zhejiang Provincial Museum

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2009-04-07


        On March 8th, the Director of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Dr. Sanne Houby, together with three colleagues, paid a visit to the Zhejiang provincial Museum, accompanied by the Deputy Chief of the Art Exhibition China. The Deputy Director of the Zhejiang provincial Museum made a brief introduction to the museum. At the end of this visit, two books The Museum of Zhejiang and Mountains in Everlasting Green (a catalogue of museum collections) and a copy of museum journal Antiquities from the Eastern China were presented to the guests as gifts by the Museum. The visitors expressed their will in establishing a close partnership with the Zhejiang provincial Museum in collections exchanging, and academic research as well.        
        Note: The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, or Östasiatiska Museet, was established in 1926, housing over one hundred thousand archaeological finds, amongst which nearly eighty per cent were from China. The first director of the Museum is Swedish archaeologist Dr. Johan Gunnar Anderson, and his successor is Klas Bernhard Johannes Karlgren.     Translated by Wang Renyu