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Wang Wei, Qi Zhaoye Met with Canadian Ambassador and His Party

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2009-05-08



    On the morning of April 27th, 2009, our Canadian guests, the Ambassador to China, Robert G. Wright, and his wife, along with Business Minister Pierre Sein Pyun, First Secretary Julie Poirier, and Second Secretary Mark Vcislo, visited the Museum of Antiquities of  IA CASS. The heads of the Institute, Wang Wei and Qi Zhaoye, met with our guests. Wang Wei spoke about the history and the current situation of the Archaeology Research Institute. Ambassador Wright remarked that he hoped to see an increasing number of academic exchanges between China and Canada in culture and sciences.

    Deputy Director Chen Xingcan was also in the meeting with our Canadian guests at the Museum of Antiquities of IA CASS.

(Reported by Han Dong. Translated by Wenfei Liu)