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French Archaeologist Professor Le Bihan Gives Lecture at the Institute of Archaeology, CASS

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2009-05-08



     The renowned French archaeology Professor Jean-Paul Le Bihan visited the Institute of Archaeology in the afternoon of April 23rd, 2009, to give a lecture with the title "The Ancient Sacrificial Remains on the Atlantic Island of Ouessant". Professor Le Bihan gave a detailed report on the archaeological field work he and his team have conducted on Ouessant Island over the past twenty years. Systematic and meticulous archaeological work has allowed the researchers to conduct an effective analysis of the sacrificial ceremonies,beliefs and other metaphysical issues which had been difficult to determine through archaeological research.  Researchers and postgraduate students from the Institute of Archaeology joined professors and students from Peking University and Capital Normal University in a lively discussion of points raised in Professor Le Bihan's report.

    The seminar was organised by the Association des Bretons de Pékin through the École Française d'Extrême-Orient's Beijing Centre and was held at the Institute of Archaeology. Before the lecture, Director Wang Wei met with Professor Le Bihan, Doctor Olivier Venture from the École Française d'Extrême-Orient's Beijing Centre and a delegation from the Association des Bretons de Pékin. Deputy Director Chen Xingcan attended and presided over the seminar.   (Translated by Kelly McGuire)