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Director Wang Wei Meets with Mongolian Scholars

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2009-06-02


    Director Wang Wei met with a delegation of visiting scholars from Mongolia in Beijing on May 20th, 2009. The delegation was led by Professor Ayudai Ochir, the former Director of the National Museum of Mongolia and the current Foreign Relations Officer at the Centre of Nomadic Culture and Civilization Studies in Mongolia. During the meeting, Wang Wei gave an overview of the CASS Institute of Archaeology's research interests and the international cooperative research projects that the Institute is currently involved with before going on to answer the visiting scholars' questions on the archaeological research that the Institute has conducted in Inner Mongolia. 

    Professor Ochir talked about the research being conducted at the Centre of Nomadic Culture and Civilization Studies and of the international cooperative archaeological research and excavation projects which are currently being developed in Mongolia. He also expressed his wish to foster greater academic cooperation with the CASS Institute of Archaeology in their research into the study of Turkic and other nomadic cultures in Mongolian history.
    After the meeting, the visiting scholars were invited to visit the Institute's exhibition room.

    Translated by Kelly McGuire