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Prof. Wang Wei & Prof. Chen Xingcan met Helena Kolenda

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2009-07-31
      On July 30, 2009, Prof. Wang Wei (Director-General of the Institute) and Prof. Chen Xingcan (Deputy Director-Genera) met Ms Helena Kolenda, General-Director of the Asian Department, Henry Luce Foundation. On behalf of the Institute of Archaeology, Prof. Wang Wei expressed sincere thanks to the continuous supports from Henry Luce Foundation. He introduced current researches of the Institute, and looked forward to a further extension of cooperation with the Foundation. Ms. Kolenda said Henry Luce Foundation will continue to support researches of our Institute, and is considering new cooperative projects and ways of cooperation.
      Prof. Chen Xingcan, Deputy Director-General of the Institute joined the meeting and showed the exhibition room of the Institute to the guests.