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Terra Cotta Warriors quarter at Washington

From: NetWriter:Date:2009-11-20


China's Terra Cotta army is invading a Washington DC museum. The ancient warriors are entrenched at the National Geographic Museum and are ready for local visitors who've long wanted to marvel at the two thousand year old tomb guardians.

The terra cotta warrior show will open at the National Geographic Museum on Thursday. It includes fifteen life size terra cotta cavalrymen and one hundred other objects excavated in the tomb complex. Ninety-six thousand advance tickets have already been sold.

Terry Garcia, Executive Vice President of National Geographic Society, said, "I can tell you, it's one of the most popular exhibits in Washington....."

One spectator said, "I read about these figures years ago... and I want to have a look at them one day..."

The soldiers will be on show until the end of March. The museum's operating hours have been extended to nine o'clock in the evening on every Wednesday to accommodate more visitors.

Xie Feng from the Chinese Embassy in Washington says the opening coincides with US president Barrack Obama's visit to China. The ancient soldiers' visit in US is another good symbol of Sino-US relationships.

Xie Feng, Charge D'affaires of Chinese Embassy, Washington, D.C., said, "The exhibition opens in an auspicious atmosphere. That it is being held in Washington predicts more cultural exchanges to come between the two countries. It indicates a development of the people's friendship, and a development of Sino-US relationships."

The guardians of China's first emperor have been exhibited in the states of California, Georgia, and Texas before coming to the US capital.
