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Prof. Wang Wei Paid a Visit to the Institute of Cultural Properties of South Korea

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2009-11-24


      From Oct. 24 to 28, Director Wang Wei, together with Director Assistant Mr. Li Gang, paid a visit to the Institute of Cultural Properties of South Korea and attended the Forum of Cultural Heritage Protection in East Asia. The discussions centered on the academic exchange and cooperation between heritage research institutes in East Asia. Participants also include delegates from relevant institutes or museums in Japan, South Korea, Mongolia and Russia. Prof. Wang Wei introduced the international cooperation and academic exchange between the IA CASS and overseas institutes and extended officially the will for establishing such relations with more heritage organizations and institutes in other East Asian countries. He also talked about the long-term plan for promoting international cooperation in the field of heritage protection and archaeological research. At the end of this forum, an important declaration was reached. The details include: promoting international cooperation in heritage research; providing training conditions for professionals; setting up a regular mechanism for cultural heritage forum; providing more chances for academic exchange and scholastic visiting; establishing stable funding sources for heritage protection and management. The participants believed that the Heritage forum will play an important role in terms of establishing a mutual understanding between different academic institutes in East Asian countries.  (Translated by Wang Renyu)