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Slovak Deputy Prime Minister Dusan Caplovic and Delegation Visit Institute of Archaeology

From:Chinese Archaeology NetWriter:Date:2010-03-17

    On February 23, 2010, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic Dusan Caplovic visited the Institute of Archaeology (CASS) during his state visit to China. Mr Caplovic was accompanied by a delegation led by the Slovak Ambassador to China, Mr Zigmund Bertok. During his visit to the Institute of Archaeology, Mr Caplovic met with Li Yang, the Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Wang Wei, Director of the Institute of Archaeology (CASS), Yang Yang, Director of the Bureau of International Cooperation (CASS), and other department heads.  

    Li Yang began with a welcoming speech, where he gave Mr Caplovic and his delegation a warm welcome on behalf of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and CASS President Chen Kuiyuan. He went on to give the delegates a general introduction to CASS's research activities and outlined some of its recent developments. He then turned his attention to the academic exchange and cooperation which has been carried between CASS and academic institutions in the European Union and highlighted the existing academic links between CASS and the Slovak Academy of Sciences.  

    This was followed by a speech by Mr Caplovic. The Deputy Prime Minister thanked everyone for the warm welcome he had received and expressed his wish for greater academic exchange between Slovakia and CASS. He hoped that CASS and the Slovak Academy of Sciences could further expand their cooperative research into fields such as economics and archaeology. 
    Wang Wei took the opportunity to extend a warm welcome to Mr Caplovic on behalf of the Institute of Archaeology (CASS) and went on to give the visiting delegation a brief introduction to the Institute's research interests. He also expressed his wish to see greater academic cooperation between the Institute and Slovakian archaeologists. After the meeting, Li Yang and the visiting delegates exchanged gifts before accompanying the Deputy Prime Minister on a visit to the Institute's exhibition room. 
    Deputy Prime Minister Caplovic is a former Director of the Institute of Archaeology at the Slovak Academy of Sciences. He made his first visit to the Institute of Archaeology (CASS) in 2001 during his time as Director.    (Translated by Kelly McGuire)