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World Heritage Committee to inscribe new sites on UNESCO's list

From: NetWriter:Date:2010-07-07
The World Heritage Committee will consider inscribing new sites on UNESCO's World Heritage List when it gathers states parties in Brazil, from 25 July to 3 August, according to a Tuesday statement by the Paris-based UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

The 34th session of the World Heritage Committee in the capital Brasilia will see presentation of candidate properties by 35 States Parties to the World Heritage Convention.

Thirty-two new properties in total were submitted for inscription on the World Heritage List this year: 6 natural, 24 cultural and 2 mixed (both natural and cultural) properties, including four transnational nominations. China's Danxia is among the natural properties submitted for the inscription at the committee.

The committee will also review the state of conservation of the 31 World Heritage properties inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger. If needed, any threatened enlisted property is possible to be added to the "in danger" list for special attention and further protection.

To date, the World Heritage List recognizes 890 properties of " outstanding universal value," including 689 cultural, 176 natural and 25 mixed properties in 148 countries.

The World Heritage Committee, a UN body responsible for the implementation of the 1972 Convention, comprises representatives of 21 countries, elected by the States Parties for up to six years.

Each year, the committee adds new sites to the list and examines the state of conservation of inscribed properties.

In case there are requirements of emergency action, training of experts and encouraging technical cooperation, it also supervises the disbursement of over 4 million dollars annually from the World Heritage Fund.

Source: Xinhua