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Terracotta Army graces China's National Day celebration in Sweden

From: NetWriter:Date:2010-09-30


The Chinese Embassy in Stockholm added a special touch to its National Day celebration by holding it on Monday at the ongoing Terracotta Army exhibition in the Far Eastern Antiquities Museum.

"We arranged the National Day reception here just in order to show the wonder of China's ancient culture to our guests. I think this is a good chance to show people about Chinese ancient culture," China's Ambassador to Sweden Chen Mingming said.

About 500 people from the Swedish government, business, technological and cultural sectors as well as overseas Chinese attended the reception.

The Far Eastern Antiquities Museum is holding the spectacular Terracotta Army exhibition to mark the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Sweden and China.

"This is a special exhibition in the world because it is in an underground tunnel which makes people feel it is as if in an ancient grave," Chen said.

The Swedish guests enjoyed the exhibition very much.

"It is wonderful that the exhibition has been brought to Sweden; as you can see the interest is quite enormous. I also hope that it will generate an interest in discussion about China, Chinese culture, Chinese history, the current situation in China and areas beyond culture," Borje Ljunggren, former Swedish Ambassador to China, said.

Lars Ekecarantz, from Sweden's Ministry of the Environment, said it was fantastic to catch a glimpse of Chinese history through the Terracotta Army here even though he had been to Xi'an, home of the Terracotta Army.

"Sweden and China have cooperated quite well, at least in my position. I am dealing with climate change issues, we hope to work intensively with China," Ekecarantz said.

The exhibition, which runs from Aug. 27 this year to Jan. 16, 2011, features 316 ancient objects including 10 Qin dynasty terracotta soldiers and over 100 Han dynasty terracotta figures as well as other relics.

Source: Xinhua