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"Colorful Yunnan" Art, Film and photography Exhibition opens in Bangladesh

From: NetWriter:Date:2011-03-14
To celebrate the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relationship between China and Bangladesh, an art, film and photography exhibition titled " Colorful Yunnan" opened in Bangladesh's capital Dhaka Friday.

The exhibition exhibits 12 paintings of Kanak Chanpa Chakma, a very famous female painter in Bangladesh, 4 paintings of Khalid Mahood Mithu, husband of Chakma, and 24 photos by their son Arjo Shrestho and daughter Shiropa Purna.

In addition, a documentary film made by Mithu depicting their experience in Yunnan is also shown in the exhibition.

With the invitation and assistance of Chinese embassy in Bangladesh, the Chakma family paid a visit to Yunnan Province from Sept. 3 to 17, 2010. During their stay, they got the opportunities to enjoy the natural beauty of Yunnan and experience the daily life of different ethnic groups.

At the opening ceremony, Bangladeshi Foreign Minister Dipu Moni said the exhibition will promote the understanding between the peoples of China and Bangladesh and strengthen the cultural exchange between the two countries.

Chinese Ambassador Zhang Xianyi said the exhibition shows the experience of the artists in Yunnan province. It will help the Bangladesh's people to know Yunnan and China.

While being interviewed by Xinhua, Chakma who from one tribal group named Chakma in the southeastern Chittagong Hill Tracts, said the trip was wonderful.

"I felt I was in my home, I was not in a foreign country," she said.

Chakma said her tribe and the ethnic groups in Yunnan have some similarities. "That's why it is familiar and it is easy for me to paint. Because they are tribal people and I am also tribal people, "she said.

Chakma, who started her painting career 25 years ago, has held 17 local and international solo exhibitions and 160 group exhibitions.

The exhibition which will last for 7 days is organized by Chinese embassy in Bangladesh and the family of Chakma.

Source: Xinhua